Unlocking crafting recipes allows you to craft items like bandages, Molotov, stamina cocktail, smoke bomb, etc. Get list of all recipes in this day Gone crafting guide.
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Days Gone Photo Mode Guide, save screenshots, add logos, frames, full photo settings. Clicks the best pictures and edit them in Days Gone before sharing on social media.
Machete weapon in Days Gone is powerful melee weapon compare to bat, it can stand more attacks and kill freakers in three hits, in this guide you will get tips on how to unlock machete early in the game.
There are Total 9 types of enemies you will encounter in the Days Gone. This guide shows how to defeat Freakers, Hordes, Newts, Screamers, Breakers, & others.
Unlock all 4 Crossbow Bolts in Days Gone along with Residue Bolt, Poison Bolt, Incendiary Bolt, Explosive Bolt Unlock. Here is how to unlock them early.
How to change the Diffficulty in Days Gone to it more easy to take down the horde of freakers in the game. Follow the steps to activate aim snap.
How to unlock Max Ammo Storage & Crafting ammo recipes in Days Gone? Here is the complete Crafting guide for ammos in days gone weapons and parts.
How to Increase and Upgrade Health, Stamina, And Focus in Days Gone. Use NERO’s checkpoint to find injector and upgrade the attribuites for the skills.
Leveling up fast in Days Gone is easy when Deacon will starts building trust & get upgrades regularly. Here is the fastest way to Level Up in Days Gone.
This Days Gone Farming guide will show you tricks how to get fast money(Credits) in the game. You can use these credits to upgrade motorbike and weapons.