Learning how to fish in Genshin Impact can help regain health and stamina by crafting food items. Continue to read this guide to know how to catch fish in Genshin Impact and what recipes you can craft with them.
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Here is how you can make more Banner pulls by getting wishes in Genshin Impact.
Primogems is the primary currency in Genshin Impact and it is essential to get and collect them in abundance. Read more about how to farm primogems in Genshin Impact in the guide.
Curious to know how to mine in Genshine Impact? Learn how to harvest minerals from mining nodes and get resources easily in this mining guide.
You can dual-wield weapons in Serious Sam 4 after upgrading S.A.M Skills in Serious Sam 4. Check out weapons that you can dual wield in Serious Sam 4 here
Here is how you can get new characters in Genshin Impact.
Processing ingredients is an important aspect of the game in Genshin Impact. Here’s how to process ingredients in Genshin Impact.
Avoiding Police and Getting Away from them will save you in Mafia Definitive Edition. Use surroundings and other things for your benefit.
A race takes place in the 5th story mission in Mafia: Definitive Edition that needs to be won to progress in the game. Follow this guide to know how to win the race in Mafia: Definitive Edition.
You can change weather in Mafia Definitive Edition whenever you want. Altering weather conditions in Mafia requires the free ride mode in the game