
Starfield Companion Tier List: Best Companions Ranked

Here's our best Starfield companions tier list ranking every companion from best to worst.

With our best Starfield Companions tier list, you can assign different roles to them on ships and outposts. While you might be searching for the best companions for combat, space exploration, or outpost management, choosing them can be a bit tricky. You can recruit many unique companions with their skills depending on the crew requirements as you progress. But these decisions can be confusing during the early game when you are simply grasping the mechanics. Don’t worry, check out our tier list ranking all the companions based on their skills, personality, and story from best to worst.

Best Starfield Companions Tier List – Every Companion Ranked

You are limited to adding three companions to your crew for either an outpost or ship during the early game. But you can have only one active companion that follows until you dismiss them once you complete the Old Neighbourhood mission.

So, check out our best Starfield Companions tier list ranking every companion from best to worst:

S Tier

  • Sarah Morgan
  • Andreja
  • Barret

A Tier

  • Sam Coe
  • Marika Boros
  • Lin
  • Vasco
  • Mickey Caviar
  • Simeon Bankowski
  • Amelia Earhart
  • Rafael Aguerro

B Tier

  • Heller
  • Rosie Tannehill
  • Andromeda Kepler
  • Moara Otero
  • Sophia Grace
  • Jessamine Griffin
  • Dani Garcia

C Tier

Who is the Best Companion in Starfield?

Sarah Morgan is the best companion and follower according to us. Due to her skill set, she is best suited for combat and space exploration. As Sarah is an important part of the Constellation, she plays a huge role in the storyline. With her leadership skills, she has a strong personality and is constantly serious about the constellation.  She is one of the few romanceable characters that you can even marry depending on your desired playthrough.

If you are looking for a companion dedicated to combat in Starfield, you can also choose Andreja. Sarah has more leadership-based qualities but Andreja is quite mysterious with an interesting story. With her skills like Particle Beams and Energy weapons systems, you can use her on foot as well as ship. But keeping her combat perks out of the equation, she is excellent for Theft and stealth-based playthroughs. You can also choose to romance and marry her by raising affinities with her.

Lastly, remember to have Barrett as one of your ship crew members if space combat is trouble for you. Although he may lack combat prowess, Barrett is great with ship repairs and weapon systems. Thanks to his Starship Engineering skills, you can repair the entire system of your ship by repairing only a single block. If you choose to make him your active companion, you can romance this character, too.

While you can ask Barrett and make him follow you, we recommend choosing between Sarah and Andreja. That’s because both these companions excel in combat and exploration. However, you can always change companions depending on your requirements. We suggest choosing these companions based on your desired playthrough and preferences. So, we leave the rest of the decision to you.

That’s all about the best Starfield Companions tier list. If you found this tier list helpful, check out our best background tier list, and best traits tier list, and explore more Starfield Guides right here on Gamer Tweak.

Shubham Nema

Hi! I am a Writer/Blogger/Cinephile/Quantum Physicist. The last one is not true but the rest of them sure are (I swear on Albert Einstein's theory of relativity).

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