Very Little Nightmare a new Puzzle Game for iOS by Bandai Namco inspired from Little Nightmares is coming soon on the mobile platform.
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Fade To Silence, a Survival-RPG game is releasing on April 30, 2018, on PC, PS4 and Xbox One. The game features 5 survivors and 8 unique monsters.
Fortnite Patch v8.30 introduces Reboot Van, a fresh feature to restore the life of dead players by collecting Reboot Cards.
Change Sony PSN Online ID will be free for the first time, the next change will carry a small fee different for non-PlayStation Plus subscribers.
NetherRealm studio head reveals how the studio is able to keep the Fatalities so fresh, what is the secret behind developing fresh Fatalities for each character to surprise gamers.
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate new trailer hints the game will be getting an important update, a brand new Stage Builder Mode, unlock Inkling, co-op mode and more.
Ubisoft CEO while talking to IGN in an interview spoke about upcoming Beyond Good & Evil 2, we might hear a lot about this game this E3 2019.
Rumours about Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 4 have been circulating since the last installment came out but recently another…
Overwatch is about to launch another Archives Event which will begin on April 16th and end on May 6th. New Hero might be teased in Storm Rising Event.
Shiny Latios returns in Pokemon Go Raid battles. April 15th, 2019 will mark as a new phase as another Legendary Pokemon is coming back in Pokemon Go.