BioWare and EA gave us a glimpse into what Anthem might turn into at last year’s E3, which showed a…
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Best weapon guide for Apex Legends, read weapon stats and learn what makes them strong enough to give you edge over other players.
Knowing what attacks to use to down your enemies is just as good as knowing their weak spots and mastering them can come handy.
Pirates seem to be on their way to the island of Fortnite and soon will dock to invade, loot and claim the island as their own.
Anthem Grandmaster Difficulty Storm Fire & Ice Build – read to pick the best Weapons, Blast Seal, Focus Seal, Components, Support Seal, etc for the strongest Javelin Suit.
Fallout 76 developers have shared a roadmap which shows new game modes coming to the game in the future and how they are working to bring players back.
Anthem Developers give a roadmap which describes what sort of content the game will be incorporating in Act1 and run out till the end of May.
Keep your sand jokes aside as one of the most complex and powerful characters has been revealed to join Battlefront 2.
Anthem has a falling health bug that reduces player’s health automatically causing them to die in one shot. No patch announced by EA.
Apex Legends rare items are not worth according to a player who paid $500 to get an exclusive items, he blamed the game provoked spending behavior.