Starfield SSNN Quiz Answers And Survey Guide

Check out all the correct Starfield SSNN Quiz Answers and the questions asked during the interview and survey.

Here’s a guide with all the correct Starfield SSNN Quiz Answers and the survey questions that players have to answer while interacting with a reporter for an interview.

You will come across the SSNN Sloop (the abbreviation stands for Settled System News Network) during your space exploration and if you choose to go ahead with the interaction and boarding, you have to answer 4 random questions from the list of 8 questions listed below. After that, there will be SSNN survey questions that you will be asked – here’s how to answer them.

Starfield SSNN Quiz Correct Answers

Starfield SSNN Quiz questions and answers guide to help you get a perfect score/result:

  • Question: When was the Treaty of Nation signed?
  • Answer: 2216
  • Question: When did the Colony War end?
  • Answer: Year 2311
  • Question: Which City is founded by Solomon Coe?
  • Answer: Akila
  • Question: Where does The Red Mile Obstacle Course take place?
  • Answer: Porrima
  • Question: Neuroamps were created by?
  • Answer: Ryujin
  • Question: What does Sanctum Universum mean?
  • Answer: Holy Universe
  • Question: What sports league does The CEC refer to?
  • Answer: Starship Combat
  • Question: What does “spacer” mean?
  • Answer: A person born in space

For fun, you can try giving the wrong answers (make sure you have proper save files ready as backup) and see how the reporter reacts to giving wrong answers instead of a perfect score.

starfield ssnn reporter quiz correct answer and survey

Starfield SSNN Survey Answers

When the reporter asks you survey questions, you can answer them however you like because they have no correct answer, you can choose any option.

Question: How often do you watch SSNN?


  • I watch it regularly
  • Not very often
  • Rarely
  • Never

Question: How would you rate our programming?


  • Good
  • Okay
  • Bad
  • I don’t have an opinion

SSNN Survey Rewards

After you finish answering the quiz and survey, you will be rewarded with some items and Credits, so it’s worth doing this when you encounter it.

With that done, you may be doing some more exploration on your ship, and we’ve got a lot of guides that will help you with it. Here’s the best Starfield ship to buy, list of all Ship vendors, how to get Razorleaf, how to add ship parts, and more.