How To Improve Bad Working Conditions in Palworld

Due to bad working conditions, your Pals can feel down in Palworld. To tackle this issue, here is what you need to do.

In Palworld, the goal is simple – do anything necessary for survival. One of the ways to do that is by doing several important chores on your Base. While you not be able to do all the chores at once, you can assign tasks to Pals for that. They can do your job with much effectiveness. However, after a while, the Pals will begin to lose motivation and start slacking off. This can happen because your Pals are either Depressed or just feeling down because of Bad Working Conditions.

To help you with that, we have mentioned some of the best ways to improve working conditions in Palworld. So if you ever feel that you aren’t making process to poor working conditions, you can fix that.

How to Fix Bad Working Conditions in Palworld

To deal with Bad Working Conditions and make your Pals feel relieved, you can use these methods.

Build Beds at your Base

Building Bed to Improve Pals' Working Conditions in Palworld
You must Build Beds for Pals to help them Improve their Working Conditions

Much like humans, Pals get tired after working straight for hours and hours. They deserve rest and that is why, you should build Beds for them so they can sleep soundly at night. Although you will unlock a Straw Bed pretty early, I suggest you reach Technology level 24 and unlock a Fluffy Pal Bed. This will help your Pals get a good quality sleep.

Feed your Pals

Aside from good sleep, better food is also important for your helpful Pals. This helps them gain Nutrition and Sanity (SAN) which keeps them from slacking off. Just make sure to build a Feed Box which is unlocked at Technology level 4.

You can build a Berry Plantation to get ample food supply at your base. To build it, you must reach Technology level 5 and require x3 Berry Seeds, x20 Woods, and x20 Stones. A Pal with Gathering Work Suitability can work on the Berry Plantation to keep it going. This will keep it occupied as well.

Build Hot Spring

building hot springs to improve working conditions in Palworld
Pals can Take Bath in Hot Spring to Improve their Working Conditions

Another way to make your Pals feel good is by building a Hot Spring at your base. This too helps them feel relaxed and gain their Sanity back. By the way, a Hot Spring is unlocked at Technology level 9 and requires x30 Wood, x15 Stone, x10 Paldium Fragment, and x10 Pal Fluids to be built. Whenever a Pal is stressed or feeling down, it will automatically take a bath in the Hot Spring. This is a great way of tackling bad working conditions in Palworld.

Keep your Pals Occupied

Improving Pals' Working Condition by setting up a Furnace
Pals with Kindling Ability can Improve Working Condition by working at a Furnace

If you have a Pal wandering on your base that has nothing to do, you must build a structure where it can work. For example, a Furnace or Cooking Pot can be used by a Pal with a Kindling trait. Similarly, a Pal with Farming skills will be busy if you build a Ranch for it.

These are some of the ways through which you can improve the working conditions in Palworld. For more information like this, feel free to check out our dedicated section for Palworld Guides on Gamer Tweak.