Cities Skylines 2 Mass Death Waves: Why Is Everyone Dying?

Mass death waves in Cities Skylines 2 can result in all the citizens or sims of your town dying. Unlike the predecessor title, CS2 offers more complexity. But even when your town is a healthy and happy place, you will notice the death tolls continue piling up. Due to this, many players are confused about these random death spikes. While there are many reasons for them, you can use some measures to prevent mass deaths in your town.

Don’t worry, check out the reasons why is everyone dying in Cities Skylines 2. You can also check out if there are any cheats or console commands to help you out with this. So, check out our guide on how to stop the death waves in CS2.

Why is Everyone Dying in Cities Skylines 2?

There can be many reasons for mass death waves or everyone dying in the Cities Skylines 2. They are as follows:

  • Sewage Backlog
  • Garbage Buildup
  • Bad Traffic
  • Lack of Healthcare and Medical Treatment
  • Improper Zoning Time
  • Old Age

While building your city, it is crucial to ensure your sewage and garbage are disposed of effectively. That’s because it can result in a majority of sick and weak civilians if not managed. Adding to the fiasco of spiraling deaths in Cities Skylines 2, Bad traffic can also play a role in your citizen dying. Whenever citizens are involved in traffic, they become injured and eventually turn sick if not treated.

Sick citizens have an increased chance of dying in Cities Skylines 2. So, ensure that your citizens receive the necessary health care and medical treatment. Note that if you zoned all the citizens at the same time, they will all die at the same time due to old age.

How to Stop Mass Death Waves in Cities Skylines 2?

Unfortunately, there is no way to stop the death waves in Cities Skylines 2. However, you can follow some methods to prevent these deaths in your town. They are as follows:

Ensure Proper Sewage Outlet

Like the CS1, improper sewage management can lead to mass death waves as confirmed by the community. To prevent this issue, you must remove unneeded underground pipes for efficient water supply and sewage outlets.

Manage Garbage Disposal

Similarly, garbage can build up can also affect the overall health of your citizens. This can also restrict you from leveling up as a result. While building your town in CS2, make sure you know how to remove and manage garbage.

Keep an Eye on Bad Traffic

As mentioned earlier, you need to watch out for the traffic and road connectivity. The citizens in the ambulances can be interrupted in this bad traffic. So, ensure that you upgrade the roads and change their directions depending on your needs.

Cities Skylines 2 Death Waves Everyone Dying
Image Source – Cities Skylines on YouTube.

Mastering the Zoning Time

The best way to prevent the Mass death waves in Cities Skylines 2 is to master the zoning time. Instead of zoning frequently, we suggest doing it slowly and steadily. We recommend keeping the density in mind while doing so. It may take you some time to master the zoning time but it can help stop these death spikes.

Making More Cemeteries Available

According to your town’s Healthcare and Deathcare statistics, you might need to build more cemeteries. Since citizens can also fall sick due to corpses, you should make ample cemeteries available for your citizens. For easier access, build them near residences with easier road connectivity.

Cities Skylines 2 Mass Death Waves
Image Source: Paradox Interactive

Riding the Death Waves Out

If you are already caught up with the above methods, you don’t have any option other than riding out the death wave. Although your citizens are healthy and happy, they might have been zoned at the same time. Rather than zoning quickly and roundabouts, we recommend you to stagger zoning. As you can always start over, don’t be disappointed and focus on the cash flow to re-zone.

That’s all about how to stop the Cities Skylines 2 death waves. If you found this guide helpful, check out our guides to find out if will there be Steam Workshop support, and the best graphics settings, and explore more Cities Skylines 2 Guides in our dedicated section right here on Gamer Tweak.