How To Get Christmas Tree In Valheim (Yule Tree Guide)

Here's how to beautify your home with the help of Yule Tree in Valheim.

Did you know that you could put up a Christmas tree in Valheim? Yes, you can decorate your home with holiday items any time of the year. It’s available in the game as a Yule Tree and with this decoration, you can increase your comfort level by +1. This will prove to be beneficial for your Rested buff. If you want to know how to get the Christmas tree in Valheim, this guide will help you out.

How to Get Yule Tree in Valheim – Christmas Tree

  1. You have to use a console command to spawn the Christmas tree in Valheim.
  2. Press F5 to bring up the console.
  3. Type in devcommands which will start the cheat codes.
  4. Make sure to enable console commands by reading this article here.
  5. Type debugmode. You will see Debugmode True. This means that it worked.
  6. Close the console after doing that.
  7. Equip the Hammer and ensure you have an upgraded Workbench.
  8. Head to the Crafting Menu.
  9. Under the Furniture tab, you will get the Yule Tree.
  10. Then go ahead and place the Christmas Tree wherever you wish in your house.

This is how you can get the Yule Tree in Valheim and achieve one extra comfort point. For the Rested Buff, you will get about one minute more of that so if that’s what you want, go ahead and get this tree.

yule tree valheim

Also Read | How to Upgrade your Workbench in Valheim

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For everything else, check out our Valheim wiki guide right away.