Apex Legends will be marking its one year anniversary with Season 4 and a new legend called Forge who is a MMA champion.
Browsing: Xbox One
Wondering how you can repair your broken Bow in Minecraft? Here’s all you need to know.
A new update announced by Bandai Namco will let Dragon Ball Z Kakarot players go back in the past using Trunk’s Time Machine to complete side missions
A recent Polish leak says that the developers at CD Projekt RED were not able to solve the Xbox One’s underpowered performance and hence had to delay Cyberpunk 2077
Check out all the new things brought to Destiny 2 with this weeks reset, you now can get a new exotic quest and along with it you can unlock the Iron Banner too
Learn how to Make a Splash Potion of Weakness in Minecraft from this guide.
Confused about different professions? Check out our guide that explains all the Villager jobs in Minecraft.
The development of Cyberpunk 2077 has been a long process and CD Projekt RED have delayed the release date to September 2020
Joker will finally make his presence felt in Mortal Kombat 11 after months of speculation as to what his moves and finisher will be, check out Joker this January 28
Check out Ninja’s personal skin in fortnite, this is the first time a streamer has gotten their own skin in the game and could open up for other streamers