Genshin Impact

How To Plant Seeds & Grow Flowers in Genshin Impact?

Here is everything about planting seeds and growing flowers in Genshin Impact.

To plant seeds in Genshin Impact you will have to unlock the Gardening. It unlocks at Reputation Level 3 in the Inazuma region. Complete The Art of Horticulture quest to unlock Gardening in Genshin Impact. If you are unable to find the quest talk to Madame Ping. Through Gardening, you will be allowed to plant seeds and harvest items. There are different kinds of seeds in the game, which means you get different items by doing this. Here is everything about growing flowers and gardening in Genshin Impact.

How to Plant Seeds?

To plant seeds in Genshin Impact you will need fields. Place the fields inside Serenitea Pot and then wait for the harvesting period to complete. After 2 days and 22 hours to grow the flower. You can then harvest them, some flowers will come in a bunch of 2 to 4 depending on their blooming style. To plant seeds first you will need to collect seeds. Collecting them requires an additional item, where you cannot just harvest them by gathering plants. You will need the Seed Dispensary first to collect different types of seeds in the game. You can collect different types of seeds while collecting plants. For example, Dandelion Seeds. Each plant will offer you one seed. You can also buy seeds from Creatures of the Realm. Here is a summary of everything I said above.

  1. Reach Reputation Level 3 to unlock Seed Dispensary.
  2. Complete The Art of Horticulture Quest.
  3. Place a seed on the field in Serenitea Pot.
  4. Wait for 2 Days and 22 Hours.

You by fields or gardening fields from the Realm Depot. Gardening fields come with restrictions, Genshin Impact has three types of fields. Not all support all types of seeds. You can plant some fixed types of seeds only, so make sure you have all three of them. Below are all three types of fields and type of seeds you can plant in them.

A Path of Value: Jade Field:

A Path of Value: Luxuriant Glebe Field:

A Path of Value: Luxuriant Glebe Field:

So just get one field, place it in the Serenitea Pot. Go to the Field location and start planting and growing flowers. You can plant up to 4 seeds on a single field. If you want to grow more flowers then plant more fields. You can also replace the seeds if you no longer need that plant. Just walk near the field and check for options. Once the plants are fully grown just harvest them. This is how you can plant and grow plants in Genshin Impact.

Raaj Srivastava

My journey as a gaming content writer began as a hobby, where I can eagerly jot down my thoughts and impressions of the latest releases, break down complex gaming concepts into digestible pieces, accessible to both seasoned players and newcomers alike.

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