Monopoly Go Missing Rolls After Animation (Possible Fixes)

Unable to move Token because Rolls are going missing after animation? Here is all we know about the issue and possible fixes.

Do your Rolls go missing after animation in Monopoly Go? Several players are dealing with this issue. The Dice Rolls keep disappearing after reward receiving and purchase animation. And this has made it hard for the players to continue the game. Rolling Dice is the most important and basic part of the game. You move your piece with that and earn money which is used for Landmark development. The issue is worse for those who purchased and lost Dice after the animation. Understanding your concern, we went through the official sources and learned about the error. So read along to learn about it.

What Are Missing Rolls After Animation Error? Can You Fix It?

What Are Missing Rolls After Animation Error

The Scopely team is aware of the issue. And they are currently investigating it. The issue should be resolved within a few days, but you can stay updated about it by checking missing Rolls after the animation section of the Monopoly Go Helpshift page. We will also update the guide when developers finish the investigation and roll fix. Till then, you can try these possible fixes.

  • Clear the background apps: Such errors are often triggered when the system is finding it hard to keep all open apps running. Your background apps are putting strain on the system, as it’s trying to run everything smoothly, but is failing because of too much pressure. So clear the apps you no longer need. And also clear Monopoly Go from the background. Restart and check if you are still missing Rolls after animation in Monopoly Go.
  • Clear cache and make storage: Keeping a few GBs free on your device is best. Applications are often updated and include new files. And that takes your storage. So when it is unsuccessful at adding new files, such a problem arises. Also, the cache will load on your device too, and take up space. So go to Settings. Use search to find the Monopoly Go. Go into its details and clear the cache. Restart to see if you are still missing rolls after animation.
  • Update or reinstall: First look for the update. These often occur when your application is outdated. If you are still facing the problem after it, you’ll need to uninstall and reinstall. But before you do that, make sure you have connected your account with the game, so you don’t lose data.

Hopefully, this helped you understand and resolve the missing Rolls after animation issue of Monopoly Go. If it did, check our other Monopoly Go guides. You can use this to earn free Dice, an Active Friend Bonus, and learn about the cheat system of the game.