How To Fly A Minicopter In Rust

Wondering how to fly a Minicopter in Rust. Continue to read this guide and find out everything you need to know about driving a Minicopter.

Rust features a vast map to explore for the players. Luckily, the developers of Rust have recently introduced Minicopter so that players can easily maneuver the map. That’s not just it, by learning how to fly a Minicopter, you can get a birds-eye view of the surrounding, scout player bases, bypass compound walls, and much more. Hence, we are here with this guide on how to fly a Minicopter in Rust.

Rust: Basic Controls to Drive a Minicopter

Below is a list of all the controls to fly a Minicopter in Rust.

How to fly in Rust?

  • Left Ctrl + W, A, S, D to drive on the ground.
  • Hold W to engage rotors and take off.
  • Hold S to disengage rotors and land safely.
  • Mouse Forward to accelerate the speed while in the sky.
  • Mouse Backward to slow down the speed and pitch backward while in the sky.
  • Mouse Left/Right to roll the Minicopter left or right for avoiding obstacles.
  • A/D to turn left and right respectively.
  • Hold Left Alt + mouse to look around.
  • Space to leave your seat.
  • X to swap your seat.

How to fly in Rust?

Those are the basic default controls for driving a Minicopter. However, it might take time to perfect the timings of the control buttons and the mouse. Hence, don’t think that you will certainly be able to master the art of flying a Minicopter in the very first attempt.

That’s everything you need to know about how to fly a Minicopter in Rust. Rust is a survival game where traveling around is not necessarily an important factor but undoubtedly a crucial one. Before even thinking about flying a Minicopter, it will help if you get the basics of surviving right. For instance, you should consider reading how to get important resources such as Metal, Metal Fragments (Link the above guide’s URL), and Stone in Rust. These resources are required for crafting and surviving. Apart from this, you might also be interested in creating and joining a team to play as a team member.