How To Get Uncommon Forest Axe In LEGO Fortnite

Check out this guide to know how to craft the Uncommon Forest Axe in LEGO Fortnite.

Forest Axe in LEGO Fortnite is a necessary piece of equipment for players to chop down trees, cacti, and even different enemy mobs. However, there is not much that you will be able to do with it, since some of the resources going forward will require you to upgrade it to a more durable one. And the very first upgrade and the one that will unlock a lot more potential going forward is the Uncommon Forest Axe in the game.

The upgrade makes it even more sturdy making it possible for you to harvest resources more effectively in LEGO Fortnite. Although, you will need some resources at first. So if you want to know the recipe and craft the forest axe, then here is a guide you should check out further.

How to Craft Uncommon Forest Axe in LEGO Fortnite

How To Craft Uncommon Axe In LEGO Fortnite
Image Source: Games & Apps Tutorials on YouTube

To get Uncommon Forest Axe in LEGO Fortnite, players will first need to upgrade their Crafting Bench to uncommon rarity. To do so, you will need some basic resources at your disposal. Here are all of the materials you will need to upgrade the Crafting Bench:

While planks are easy to craft using wood and the Lumber Mill, finding shells can be tricky in the game. Players will need to find rollers and defeat them in order to obtain shells from them. Once you have all the resources, simply interact with the crafting bench and choose upgrades. After upgrading to Uncommon Crafting Bench, it will let you unlock all the uncommon recipes available.

To craft Uncommon Forest Axe, you will first need to gather some more resources. Here is the materials required to craft the axe in LEGO Fortnite:

  • x3 Bones
  • x3 Wooden Rod

You can take down skeleton mobs to get your hands on some Bones in the game. They are easy to defeat once you have the right equipment at your disposal. Wooden Rods can be crafted using wood and the Lumber Mill in the game. Once you have everything at your disposal, simply interact with the Crafting Bench and craft the Uncommon Forest Axe in LEGO Fortnite.

That’s everything covered in this guide. If you find this guide helpful, be sure to go through our dedicated Fortnite section for more interesting ones, right here on Gamer Tweak.