Video Game Guides

Digimon Survive: How To Get Renamon (Recruit Guide)

Here is how you can get Renamon in Digimon Survive.

In Digimon Survive you can get Renamon the Animal Digimon that has the design of a golden fox. It is an important Monster that will be very useful when you recruit it to your team. And the way to do this, is by finding it in battle and talking to it. But it won’t be easy as the wrong answer will mean this Digimon won’t join. So in this guide let us check how to recruit Renamon in Digimon Survive.

How to Get Renamon in Digimon Survive

In order to Recruit Renamon, you need to give the right answers to its questions. Progress the story till Part 6 of the game, then you can find it in Shadow Encounters or from Free Battles.

  1. Start the Battle and take your main partners in it.
  2. Next, use the Talk option during the turn of your main Partner.
  3. Renamon can ask you any of these questions, so here are the correct answers for them.
    • First question: Sometimes you should act on emotion instead of logic, don’t you think?
      • That sounds dangerous.
    • Second question: What would you do if someone told you an idea you believed in was incorrect?
      • Thank that person.
    • Third question: If your friend was off causing trouble, how would you deal with it?
      • I’d scold them.
    • Fourth question: Looking at innocent monsters really puts your heart at ease, doesn’t it?
      • They’re so cute!
    • Fifth question: I’d like to avoid a pointless battle, if possible…
    • Sixth question: Is wanting quiet time to yourself such a crime?
    • Renamon can ask you any 3 questions out of these 6. Try to guess the right answers and if you accidentally get them wrong you can always pause the game and choose Retry. This will allow you to restart the battle from the beginning.
  4. After answering correctly you will recruit Renamon.

Thanks to Hungry Geeks for sharing the answers to the above questions.

Renamon plays an essential part in the story especially if you want to get Omegamon in this game.

That covers this guide on how to get Renamon in Digimon Survive. If you are looking to add more Digimon to your team then check our guides on how to get Gazimon, how to get MetalGreymon, and how to get Greymon. And if you plan on evolving them then check out how to get evolution items and the list of all Digimon in Digimon Survive.

Karan Pahuja

Karan is a Soulsborne enjoyer who grew up playing NES classics like Contra, Mario, Zelda, Kirby, Megaman, and a list of other games that go on. He also enjoys FPS games like Overwatch 2 and Valorant. Currently, he is maining Cammy in Street Fighter 6, while experimenting some Sorcerer builds in Diablo 4. And if you need help with some boss fights in a game, he is your guy!

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