Cities Skylines 2 Not Enough Customers: How To Fix

If you are encountering the Cities Skylines 2 not enough customers message, it indicates that your commercial business areas aren’t running efficiently. You can get this message as a warning that these commercial zones might go out of business. The main cause of this issue is usually due to overzoning and multiple businesses competing close to the zone. If this continues, it can eventually lead to an economic crisis and the downward spiral of your city.

Don’t worry as there are some workarounds to fix the customer shortage issue in Cities Skylines 2. Since this mechanic isn’t covered in any tutorials in-game, many players are confused about fixing this issue. So, here’s where you can find out how to resolve this issue.

Fix Cities Skylines 2 Not Enough Customers

cities skylines 2 not enough customers shortage
Image Source – Cities: Skylines on YouTube.

The not enough customers message in Cities Skylines 2 can be resolved by the placement of commercial or business areas. This warning is usually caused due to the zones being isolated from the residential areas. So, ensure to place these zones close to the buildings where customers can easily access them.

You can also face this issue due to bad traffic as the customers won’t be able to reach these zones. However, making alternate routes for better road connectivity can resolve this issue. The more connected your commercial zones are with the residents, the more customers you will attract.

That said, you can create routes for public transportation like buses, metros, and other service vehicles. On the brighter side, you can also avoid congestion around the area.

Whenever placing a commercial zone, check the colors on your map while doing so. If you get a green color when placing them, it would surely generate profits. But if it’s marked as red, placing the zones won’t be profitable for you.

You can lower commercial taxes for selective businesses prompting the customer shortage message in Cities Skylines 2. While it can affect your overall economy, it can help a commercial zone from running broke. If fewer commercial zones are facing this issue, it can help them generate more revenue.

Ultimately, you must wait for some time before your plan comes to action using the above methods. If not, you can dezone some competing businesses using a bulldozer. That way, other commercial zones can thrive and profit.

That’s all about how to fix the Cities Skylines 2 not enough customers issue. If you found this guide helpful, find out how to export water and electricity, how to make money, and explore more CS2 Guides in our dedicated section right here on Gamer Tweak.