How To Complete Essence Of Aether Mission In MW3 Zombies

Check out this guide to know how you can complete the Essence of Aether mission by collecting all the essence samples in MW3 Zombies.

In Essence of Aether, players will have to hunt down three essence samples from across Urzikstan in MW3 Zombies. The Act 2 tier 3 mission sends players to retrieve the samples from various locations in the game. And while the objectives and the locations are specified, it can be quite difficult to look around for samples when there are swarms of zombies in your surroundings. Collecting the samples and completing the mission rewards you with the Speed Cola Can acquisition along with an additional 2000 XP in the game.

Having said that, we recommend you get familiar with different mechanics like upgrading weapons, ammo mods, sentry guns, etc in the game. Since the locations of all the essence samples are scattered across the map players will need to be aware of the threat zones. So if you are wondering how to complete the mission and collect all the samples, then here is everything you need to know.

How to Complete Essence of Aether in MW3 Zombies

As mentioned before, to complete the Essence of Aether mission, players will have to retrieve three essence samples in MW3 Zombies. Each sample is inside a container and is located in different areas of Urzikstan which is specified in the objective. Here are all the locations you will have to visit to collect the essence sample in the game:

  • Hamza Bazaar at Hadiqa Farms.
  • Rostova Shops at Levin Resort.
  • Quadri Shopping Center at Zaravan City.

Hamza Bazaar at Hadiqa Farms

Hamza Bazaar Essence Sample Container Location MW3 Zombies
Image Source: insanegamer52 on YouTube

Players will come across the Hadiqa Farms area southeast of Urzikstan in MW3 Zombies. The Hamza Bazaar is located down south of the area and the essence container can be found inside a shop. You can find the shop in the middle of the market and between two buildings in the game. Head inside and you will be able to collect the Essence Sample from the container.

Rostova Shops at Levin Resort

Rostova Shops Essence Sample Container Location MW3 Zombies
Image Source: insanegamer52 on YouTube

The Levin Resort is located poles apart from the northwest corner of the map. We would suggest looking out for a mode of transport such as armored vehicles, ATVs, or even Redeploy Drones around you. The Essence container is inside the biggest building in the Rostova Shops area. Players can head inside and you will find the essence sample at the back of the room on the first floor itself.

Quadri Shopping Center at Zaravan City

Quadri Shopping Center Essence Sample Container Location MW3 Zombies
Image Source: insanegamer52 on YouTube

Zaravan City is down southwest of Urzikstan with the Quadri Shopping Center right along the highway on the north side. You will find the Essence of Aether located inside a small building or shed in the Quadri Shopping Center area in the game. The sample will be on the counter inside the shed from where you will be able to collect it.

Players should make sure they have the right weapons and gear even while exploring the areas of the Essence of Aether sample. Not to mention, since the sample are poles apart from each other make sure that you travel around with vehicles to save yourself some time.

That’s everything covered in this guide. If you find this guide helpful, we would recommend you to go through our dedicated Modern Warfare 3 section for more interesting ones, right here on Gamer Tweak.