Horizon Forbidden West Door Code

Here are all the codes for the locked doors you will encounter as you proceed in Horizon Forbidden West.

While exploring the open world of Forbidden West, you will notice that there are several locked doors. You can unlock these locked doors with a passcode. It can be a four, five, or six-digit passcode. You will encounter these locked doors during main quests and side quests. You can also encounter these locked doors during Relic Ruins and while exploring the Base. Although these codes can be decoded by searching and finding different data points, we are here to save you the trouble. Here are all the door codes you will need to unlock the doors in Horizon Forbidden West.

All Door Codes in Horizon Forbidden West

Here are the codes for the locked doors you will encounter during these Main quests:

  • Death’s Door: 7432
  • Cradle of Echoes: 237

These are the door codes you need to unlock the doors while completing the following Side quests in Forbidden West:

  • Forbidden Legacy first locked door: 102023
    • Second locked door: 402625
  • Night of the Nights: 739135

Mentioned below are the codes you require to unlock the doors as you while grinding on these Relic Ruins quests:

  • The Daunt: 1705
horizon forbidden west door codes
Image Source – PJs projects on YouTube.
  • No Man’s Land: 2204
  • Restless Wealds: 1923
  • Isle of Spires 9th-floor code: 2109
    • 7th-floor code: 109
    • 6th floor’s Ornament code: 2109109

Here’s the code you will need to unlock the Base door:

  • The Base Door: 9626118

As mentioned earlier, these codes can also be decoded by finding different data points. They are collectibles and serve as clues to find out the codes of the locked doors. If you are into exploring these data points, we suggest you hunt them down rather than typing these codes manually. But if you want to save yourself the trouble to find these data points, you can enter the above codes directly to unlock the doors.

That’s all the door codes required to unlock the locked doors in Horizon Forbidden West. If this guide helped you, make sure to check our other guides on how to read contracts, how to examine machine carcasses, and how to throw rocks in Horizon Forbidden West right here on Gamer Tweak.