Video Game Guides

Two Point Campus: How To Develop Romances & Start Relationships

Here is how you can develop romances in Two Point Campus.

In Two Point Campus, Students can develop Romances with each other. Isn’t this feature just lovely? Not sorry for the bad pun. And no this isn’t an unnecessary gimmick. Being in love can actually affect how students perform in class. In fact, there are a total of four stages of love that the students can go through. So in this guide let us check how to start romances in Two Point Campus to build romantic relationships.

How to Develop Romances in Two Point Campus

Image Credit: PerfectParadox on YouTube

To develop romances in this game you need to place Romance items placed around the campus. But just having them places isn’t enough, the students also need to have Good Friendship with each other. Once they are good friends they can start asking you to buy such items.

The main item that you can place around the Campus is a Love Bench.

  1. You first need to unlock it using Kudosh. There are many such love items so the more kudosh you have the better.
  2. Once you have it, you can place it outside the campus.
  3. A love bench costs $600 in-game money. Look for items that say Develop Romances.

If there isn’t any romance item placed around a student might request you to place one. And if there is then they can directly use it. You can also place around other items to build and improve romance between two students. The other love items that you will need, to help them further are:

  • Tree Benches
  • Love Trumpet
  • Double Jump Bed
  • Rose Garden

These items will allow you to let the students reach the different stages of their relationships, which are:

  • Crush
  • Dating
  • Sweethearts
  • Soulmates

Why you should Start Relationships in Two Point Campus?

You should start relationships and place more love items in this game for two important reasons. The first is it increases the Attractiveness of your campus. And the second reason is that the students in relationships are happier than the ones that aren’t in one. The happier they are the better they can perform in their classes.

Although you must remember this is a double-edged sword. When students break up they will not be as happy and can have an ill effect on their studies. And finally, romances aren’t just restricted to students. Staff members can also develop them.

That covers this guide on how to start romances in Two Point Campus and get students in romantic relationships. Since you like playing this game check out our other guides on how to increase room prestige, unlock sandbox mode, train staff, and increase student grades.

Karan Pahuja

Karan is a Soulsborne enjoyer who grew up playing NES classics like Contra, Mario, Zelda, Kirby, Megaman, and a list of other games that go on. He also enjoys FPS games like Overwatch 2 and Valorant. Currently, he is maining Cammy in Street Fighter 6, while experimenting some Sorcerer builds in Diablo 4. And if you need help with some boss fights in a game, he is your guy!

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