What Is The Best Difficulty Setting To Play Spider-Man 2 On?

Not sure how the different Difficulty settings work in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2? Here is the one you should use in your playthrough.

One of the hardest questions when starting Spider-Man 2 is what is the best difficulty for you to play on. This game has several iconic villains from the comics. Furthermore, these games are known to have a great story.

But just focusing on the story may make you miss out on some amazing gameplay as both Peter and Miles have a few new powers for their abilities. So here are all the difficulties explained to help you decide which is the right one for you.

Best Difficulty Setting For Marvel’s Spider-Man 2

What Is The Best Difficulty Setting To Play Spider-Man 2 On

Ideally, if you have played the original game or are used to such types of games then the “Amazing” difficulty should be for you. Although, if you are looking to just experience the game’s story and want to relax then “Friendly Neighborhood” is a good option. But if that isn’t the case and you are looking for a challenge then “Ultimate” Difficulty should be the one you should go for. Here are all the different difficulty settings:

  • Friendly Neighborhood (Very Easy)
  • Friendly (Easy)
  • Amazing (Normal)
  • Spectacular (Hard)
  • Ultimate (Very Hard) – You need to complete the game once to unlock it.

Below is the challenge that you can expect in each of them.

Friendly Neighborhood

This mode is for players who just want to enjoy the game’s story and don’t want to be held back by enemies or other such elements. The enemies won’t kill you and will barely deal any damage. The biggest advantage is you won’t have to worry about quick time events.


This mode is quite similar to the above mode. So while you may start facing more enemies, they will also deal slightly more damage. Though, this is nothing Peter or Miles won’t be able to handle.


This is a very balanced experience of all the 5 modes in the game. You can still breeze through most of the story. But enemies and quick-time events won’t be as forgiving. So you will need to pay some attention to the game. This mode is also where you will have to start focusing on getting Suit Tech Upgrades or getting new suits. Otherwise, the late game can start to feel a bit harder.


As this is supposed to be the hard mode of the game you should expect it to give you a good amount of challenge. The enemies will not only have more health but they will also deal more damage to you when attacking. If this is your first playthrough then you will have to juggle with doing plenty of side activities along with the main story. Without the upgrades, things will get tougher the more you progress.


This is the hardest mode the game has to offer and as such isn’t available from the start, requiring you to finish the game once. The enemies will have even more HP than in Spectacular mode and will also deal more damage. The quick-time events will be very challenging requiring almost instantaneous reactions. All in all, you can expect the game to be very punishing if you make some silly mistakes.

Now, go ahead and play whatever difficulty you find best for you in Spiderman 2. In case you get stuck somewhere then you can check our Spider-Man 2 section for help on topics like how to get Tech Parts, get Hero Tokens, and more.