Here’s a list of all hidden trophies in Stray that you can unlock on PS4/PS5 as well as Steam.
Author: Nikita Hariname
Here’s how to restore the old oof death sound effect back in Roblox games. All you have to do is replace the sound files on your PC.
Here’s the cast of Multiversus voice actors for characters released so far.
Here’s how to send a request to invite and add friends to play MultiVersus together via online or local couch co-op multiplayer mode.
This is how you can unlock the DC fighters Batman & Superman in Multiversus without spending real money and also through purchases.
Here are the milestones you have to complete to unlock skin variants, emotes, taunts and ring out vfx in Multiversus.
Here’s the complete Roster of MultiVersus characters and what you need to do to unlock all of them.
This is how you can find out if Multiversus servers are down at the moment or back up online.
Find out why the original OOF death sound was removed from Roblox.
Here’s what you can do to disable the Roll Indicator in Forza Horizon 5 Hot Wheels DLC.