Where Is The Creature Keeper In Sims 4 Cottage Living Expansion?

What is the location of the Creature Keeper in Sims 4 Cottage Living Expansion? Find out here.

Sims 4 Cottage Living expansion brings the features of befriending or raising farm animals and embracing village life. The Creature Keeper is a newly added character that will help you dress your animals so that they look even cuter. So, if you are wondering where to find the local Creature Keeper location in Sims 4 and how to dress animals in Cottage Living, this guide will give you all the answers.

Sims 4 Cottage Living Creature Keeper Location – How to Buy Animal Clothes?

To find the Creature Keeper, you have to head to Henford-on-Bagley’s Bramblewood Neighborhood. This area is filled with woods which is where you will find Michael Bell. To be specific, you have to head to the area where you will find a bridge that leads to a house. There will be a lot of ruins and trees nearby.

where to find Sims 4 Cottage Living Creature Keeper - How to Dress Animals

When you find him roaming around, talk to him and become friendly. You can then talk about everything he is selling for animals including clothes etc. Once you decide what you want to purchase from him, go ahead and do it and that’s pretty much all you have to do. Now you can dress your farm animals.

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How to Dress Animals in Cottage Living

After buying the items from Michael, the Creature Keeper, go back to where you have kept your animals. Then, choose the animal you wish to dress and then pick the item you want to make them wear. That should get the clothes equipped. Yep, it’s that easy!

That’s all about where to find the Creature Keeper in Sims 4 Cottage Living Expansion. While playing, though, if you come across the Sims 4 Script Call Failed error, we’ve got the fixes that will solve the problem for you. We’ve also got the Sims 4 UI Cheats Extension not working fix. And for more Sims 4 Cheats and Mods, check out our guides on Gamer Tweak!