Cities Skylines 2 Orange Screen Fix – Yellow Patch Bug

Orange screen bug bothering you in Cities Skylines II? Here are some things you can do to fix it.

Many players are looking for the Orange Screen bug fix for Cities Skylines 2. Upon its launch, the game has mixed reviews, while some players are able to enjoy it. There are several who are facing performance issues due to poor optimization. That could very well be the reason this bug exists.

You mostly get this error whenever you try to build something. It might bring up variations of this problem like the yellow or white screen. So if you are wondering if there is something that you can do about it, then there is. Here are possible fixes for this issue.

How to Fix the Orange Screen Bug in Cities Skylines 2

Cities Skylines 2 Orange Screen Bug Fix
Image Credits: Paradox Interactive

At the time of writing this guide there are no official fixes, but here are a few things that you can try to resolve it:

  • Lower your Graphics Settings: A lot of the settings are set to high by default. The problem is even if you have a powerful graphics card since it isn’t optimized effectively, it might not be able to handle these settings as intended. But using lowering your graphics settings might make the game run better and avoid this issue.
  • Increase Virtual Memory: Installing a new RAM stick isn’t a viable option just for a game. But according to an older post, the first game had this issue as well. One of the ways you can fix it as per Steam user MarkJohnson is to increase the size of your pagefile. More virtual memory may help you handle the game better and avoid getting this screen.
  • Check File Integrity: Another way to resolve it is by scanning and repairing your game files. Go to your Steam Library and right-click on Cities Skylines 2. Click on Properties, go to installed files, and choose Verify integrity of game files. Any corrupt files will now be replaced and you shouldn’t get this error again.

If none of the above fixes work you should wait for the developer to release an update that has this bug patched. Update your game and it should be solved.

That’s all on how to fix the orange screen in Cities Skylines 2. While you are here also check out how to change road directions. For more help on other topics of this game visit our Cities: Skylines II section.