What Happens To Your Old Ship In Starfield?

Once you take over and get a new ship, here's what happens to your old ship in Starfield.

You will be wondering what happens to your old ship in Starfield when you steal or take over a new one. Being a space cowboy, commandeering, and getting a new ship is all a part of piracy. But as players get into a new ship, they wonder if they permanently lost the old one. Players wonder if there is there a way to reclaim their old one with a better mass capacity. So, here’s where you can find out everything about your previous ones after getting a new ship.

What Happens to Your Old Ship in Starfield?

Starfield What Happens To Old Ship
Image Source – Dj Dragon on YouTube.

You don’t lose your old ships once you take over a new ship. Instead, all these previous ships are added to your fleet. Whenever you claim a new one, it becomes your Home Ship and you can have only one despite having multiple options. But there’s a way to reclaim and get your old ones without spending any credits. For that, you must visit a Ship Vendor from the nearest system or planet.

Here’s how you can change your Home ship in Starfield:

  • Visit the Vendor or Technician and interact with them.
  • Choose the following dialogue option to view all of your ships:
    • I’d like to view and modify my ships.
  • Over there, you will find all the ships within your fleet.
  • Cycle through the different options and select your preferred selection.
  • Press the H (PC) or A (Xbox) button to make it your Home ship.

Note that after making the decision, your crew and storage will be transferred to the new ship. But ensure that it has the required Mass capacity. Also, check for any contraband items and Jettison them. If you don’t, you might get arrested and serve time in Jail.

That’s all about what happens to your old ship in Starfield. If you liked this guide, check out our guides to find out what happens when you take the Raised Enlightened chest, what happens when you go to Jail, and explore more Starfield Guides right here on Gamer Tweak.