My Dystopian Robot Girlfriend Cheats and Mods

Looking for a boost? Find out all the My Dystopian Robot Girlfriend Cheats and the best Mods for this game.

If you want the My Dystopian Robot Girlfriend cheats and mods, turns out you might be looking to enhance your gameplay. Being a role-playing and dating simulator game, this game allows you to make a living with a bot (in the bed). Recently losing a job, Anon meets the bot of his dreams and decides to take her home. Since you are jobless, you must earn money to buy her required parts and earn more money or freeze to death in Megacity. But as the game has mod support, what are some mods for this game? And are there any cheats you can enable or activate? Don’t worry, find out all the cheats and mods to live with your robotic Girlfriend.

All My Dystopian Robot Girlfriend Cheats

my dystopian robot girlfriend cheats mods

Here are all the cheats for My Dystopian Robot Girlfriend:

  • iamacheater – Redeem this cheat for $10,000 Cash and add more money.

You can enter the above cheat in the in-game browser by accessing your computer. Once you enter this cheat, you can earn an in-game achievement or trophy for enabling it. While it is the only valid and currently working cheat code, it offers plenty of cash to live rent-free with your Dystopian girlfriend.

But for enhancing your gameplay, you can download and install several mods. These mods can add Unlimited Money, explicit, obscene, and nudity content into the game.

My Dystopian Robot GF Mods – How to Use

my dystopian robot girlfriend mods

Thanks to the developers at Incontinent Cell, you can download many My Dystopian Robot Girlfriend mods by heading to their official Discord Server (link over here).

Follow the below steps:

  • As you join this Discord, head to the mod-releases-0-86 channel.
  • Over there, you can find plenty amount of mods.
  • Once you find your preferred mod, download the zip file.
  • Then, launch the game on your PC or other devices.
  • From the Main Menu, select the Mods tile.
  • Select the Load Mods option to browse the required mod.
  • Then, press the Load button to install the mods into your game.

That’s all about the My Dystopian Robot Girlfriend Cheats and mods. If you found this guide helpful, check out the best Auto clicker extensions for your browser, and explore more Cheats and Mods for other games right here on Gamer Tweak.