Remnant 2: Imperial Gardens Plinth Puzzle Solutions

Here are all the solutions for the Imperial Gardens Plinth puzzle in Remnant 2.

There are many head-scratching puzzles in the game. But the Imperial Gardens Dial puzzle stands out as the most frustrating out of all the others in Remnant 2. However, the rewards for solving this puzzle are worth the effort. For completing the Imperial Gardens Plinth puzzle, players will receive the powerful Crossbow as a reward. The long-range weapon was quite popular and strong in the first Remnant game as well. So, if you want to get the Crossbow, our guide will show you how to solve the Imperial Gardens Plinth puzzle.

How to Solve the Imperial Gardens Dial Puzzle in Remnant 2

To solve the Imperial Gardens Dial puzzle in Remnant 2, you will need to find all the symbols lying around in the area. After finding the four symbols, you will have to align them on the Plinth. Though all of them are located inside the temple itself, it can be time-consuming. Moreover, the sequence of the symbols is randomized for each player. We will try to narrow down the most common sequences and help you speedrun the Imperial Gardens symbol puzzle. Check out the image mentioned below.

imperial gardens plinth symbols
1st Sequence of Symbols on the Plinth
imperial gardens dial symbols
2nd Sequence of Symbols on the Plinth

You can try arranging the symbols on the plinth as shown in the images above. If you put them correctly, a doorway will open up in front of the plinth. Walk up to the door and it will lead you to a room underground. Inside this room, you will find the Crossbow that you are looking for.

That’s everything you need to know on how to solve the Imperial Gardens Plinth puzzle in Remnant 2. We hope one of these solutions worked for you. If you want help with more such puzzles in the game, then check out how to solve the Water Harp Music Box puzzle and the Clock Tower puzzle in our Remnant 2 section.