How To Heal Yourself And Revive Teammates In Gray Zone Warfare

Learning how you can heal yourself and revive teammates in Gray Zone Warfare is essential if you don’t want anyone from your squad to die during battles. Here’s everything you need to know about this healing process.

Once you understand how to heal yourself and revive teammates in Gray Zone Warfare, you can avoid the chaos when any player from your team dies during an ongoing battle. Similarly, the healing process you must use will be quite complicated. As a result, it is extremely important to execute it well and ensure that this process is performed in time so that you or your teammates can save a life.

In this guide, we will explain the method you need to use to heal yourself and your team members so that your squad never misses a player while fighting battles in Gray Zone Warfare.

How to Heal Yourself in Gray Zone Warfare

Whenever your character takes a bullet during combat, he will start bleeding. If this injury isn’t treated immediately, it won’t be long before the wound will turn fatal. Similarly, to heal yourself in Gray Zone Warfare, the items you need in your inventory will be a Bandage and a Surgical Kit.

Although you can often quickly use these medical items to heal yourself during combat, sometimes the item you need to use will be different based on the injured body part. Here’s the list of injuries, along with the medical items you need to use to heal them:

Medical itemInjury
Surgical KitCoughing
Surgical KitComa
Surgical KitNausea
Surgical KitInjured organs
Blood BagBlood loss
Blood BagDizziness
CharcoalDrug overdose
SplintInjured limbs/Hurt symptom
KI (Potassium Iodide)Radioactive exposure
MFATLimb injuries
First Aid KitTraumatic injuries

To find out which part of your body has been injured, you can go to the game’s menu, select the “Character” tab, and under the “Health” option, you will find the X-ray of your character’s body, and the injured areas will be highlighted. Furthermore, if you notice that any area of your character’s body has been highlighted in Yellow or Red, you must treat that injury quickly.

Also Read: How to Attach Suppressor in Gray Zone Warfare

Gray Zone Warfare How To Heal Yourself And Revive Teammates
Image Credits – MADFINGER Games

How to Revive Teammates in Gray Zone Warfare

Before we begin with the reviving process you need to use for your teammates, it is important to note that even though you can heal a few injuries and wounds, you will not be able to revive yourself. This means that when you are nearly dying during any battle and are breathing heavily, you can be brought back to life if your teammate decides to revive you.

As a result, all players must be well aware of this process. Here’s everything you need to know to revive your teammates in Gray Zone Warfare:

  • Firstly, you will have to use a Tourniquet. This medical item will stop the player from bleeding.
  • To heal the player’s injuries and wounds, you must use a Surgical Kit.
  • Lastly, since your teammate has suffered from major blood loss, you will have to use Blood Bags to revive him. If you are using a small blood bag, you might have to use more than one, so we recommend using a large one.

Once you do this, you can heal and revive all your teammates’ major injuries. However, while you are performing this healing process, you may be targeted by enemies in your surroundings.

Either watch out while reviving your friends or make sure a teammate protects you while you save any injured players.

This concludes our guide on how you can heal yourself and revive teammates in Gray Zone Warfare. If you found this guide helpful, learn how you can repair armor and find out how you can invite or join friends.