Gray Zone Warfare: How To Cure Coughing

During the initial stages of the game, it is integral to master the process of healing, as it will increase your survivability. Here’s how you can quickly treat and get rid of coughing in Gray Zone Warfare.

Coughing in Gray Zone Warfare is one of the side effects you will face due to lung damage. Moreover, the internal breeding will slowly start to affect your health and you will keep losing blood. In order to stop it, you will have to quickly treat this ailment.

Although Dizziness and Nausea can be considered slightly more dangerous, as compared to Coughing, however, if you fail to treat it in time, it could possibly lead to some serious complications. If you need help with this status effect, here’s how you can easily get rid of this persistent ailment.

How to Cure Coughing in Gray Zone Warfare

How To Cure Coughing In Gray Zone Warfare

To cure Coughing in Gray Zone Warfare, you will have to use a Surgical Kit. Moreover, to get rid of cough, permanently, players will have to make use of this particular item. It is also important to note that the Early Access players will already have a few of these Kits in their inventory for them to use.

At any given moment, if you feel like you are running low on these healing items, you will have to visit the Lab Rat vendor and purchase these Surgical Kits. For temporary relief players can also consume pain killers/pain medications, however, they will not necessarily treat this ailment.

As mentioned earlier, your character’s health will start to deplete if they are constantly Coughing, when there is an injury to the lungs. The internal bleeding will not stop until you use the proper healing process. Players tend to sideline this ailment, however, it should be treated in time as it could severely affect your blood count and make you weaker.

We have covered everything you need to know about how you can cure Coughing in Gray Zone Warfare. If you found this guide helpful, make sure to go through our Gray Zone Warfare section and find other informational guides.