Gray Zone Warfare: How To Cure Nausea

Medical ailments will directly affect your health, which will slow you down during battles. To avoid this, players must ensure they are well prepared to cure Nausea in Gray Zone Warfare.

Similar to Dizziness, Nausea in Gray Zone Warfare, will prevent you from performing well during combat. When hit with this status effect, your screen will start to get blurry and the character will begin moving side to side. This will affect your vision and you will not be able to aim precisely as well. Understanding how you can effectively cure this ailment is crucial because if not treated correctly, it will take a toll on your health, which can be dangerous.

To learn how you can treat this status effect so that you can regain your health and defeat all your opponents, here’s everything you need to know about the healing process.

How to Cure Nausea in Gray Zone Warfare

How To Cure Nausea In Gray Zone Warfare

Although players can deal with Nausea in Gray Zone Warfare by just resting in a non-threatening environment for some time and consuming water, we would recommend using a Surgical Kit to speed up the process. By doing this, you will also be able to immediately get rid of this status effect, without wasting any time or resources.

If your character is nauseous, it can be due to multiple factors like intoxication, liver injury, radiation exposure, etc. This ailment will also occur if an enemy has shot you in the stomach and your character starts to bleed.

Thankfully, just like Blood Bags, Surgical Kits, too, will be in your inventory if you have purchased the game during its Early Access. Additionally, you can also visit the Lab Rat vendor and purchase these Kits, if you are running low on supplies and need to stock up.

In conclusion, getting rid of Nausea in Gray Zone Warfare is extremely important, as once you are affected by this ailment, your vision will be hindered. Although it is not as serious as other deadly injuries, if not treated in time, it can lead to major complications.

This is everything you need to know to effectively treat Nausea in Gray Zone Warfare. Don’t forget to check our dedicated Gray Zone Warfare section and find other helpful guides.