Monopoly Go

How To Get Stickers In Monopoly GO (Complete Guide)

Want to get your hands on all the Sticker from gold to normal in Monopoly Go? Check out this guide to know how you can get & collect all of them.

Collecting Stickers and completing your Album collection in Monopoly Go is important to earn big rewards and tokens. These are collectible items that players will come across while rolling their dice and progressing further in the game. You will have to get nine stickers to complete a specific set and get rewards. There are several ways through which you can get your hands on them. So to make things easy for you, check out this guide to know all about them and get your hands on Gold to Normal cards.

How to Get Stickers in Monopoly GO

Here are all the methods through which you can get normal or Golden Monopoly GO Stickers

Quick Wins

These are daily objectives that players will come across in Monopoly GO. Once you complete them for a week you will earn the weekly reward and even some milestone rewards along the way. This is an easy and effective way of getting them as you can grab the opportunity daily in the game.

Milestone Events Reward Monopoly GO Stickers

These are limited-time events where you will have to complete various objectives and tasks to earn points and get yourself some stickers as a reward. You can look out for them in the Events Pop-up on the right side of your device’s screen. Each event is different and has unique objectives of its own.

Finish Top 3 in Tournament

In Tournaments, players will be able to face off against other players and collect currency and earn different prizes. Finishing in the top 3 will guarantee you some Stickers varying in rarity in Monopoly Go. Along the way, you will also be able to complete different milestones and get them as rewards.

Spin Color Set Wheel

You can spin the Color Set Wheel to get yourself some free rewards including stickers in Monopoly Go.

Trade Monopoly GO Stickers with Friends

Players can trade different stickers with their friends to help them complete their album collection. Ask a friend if they have any copy of the one they already own and tell them to send it to you. This will help you progress in the game smoothly and without any hassle. You can try the Safe Trading feature in Monopoly GO to try and get some stickers this way.

Note that you won’t be able to receive any Gold ones from your friends and you will have to try another method from the list for them. Golden Blitz events are an excellent option to trade Golden Monopoly GO Stickers and you should check that out as well.

Sticker Packs

You can buy sticker packs through the Store and unlock them in the game. This is an easier option for players who don’t want to grind their way through events and tournaments. Although it’s worth mentioning that you can also earn packs through various in-game events.

That’s everything covered on how to get stickers in Monopoly Go. Check out our Monopoly Go Cheats & Free Dice Rolls guides and for more tips like these look out for our dedicated Monopoly Go section, right here on Gamer Tweak.

Om More

Om has mastered his character development through every Assassin's Creed game. From dying mercilessly in boss battles to comically failing stealth attempts, he has seen it all. You can spot him finding solace in watching Kitchen Nightmares during breaks.

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