How To Get Golden Apples In Hades 2

Looking to add Golden Apples in Hades 2 to your list of useful resources? Here’s the process players will have to follow to get this item.

Although Hades 2 is packed with some extraordinary resources that can help the players progress through the game, some of them are much easier to come by while the process of collecting the others is quite complicated. Similarly, players have been struggling to get their hands on Golden Apples in Hades 2.

This is because obtaining this item is not that simple and requires players to craft incantations and fight tough bosses as well. As a result, to learn more about this process, here’s everything you need to know to get this resource in Hades 2.

Where to Find Golden Apples in Hades 2

Where To Find Golden Apples In Hades 2

To obtain Golden Apples in Hades 2 you will have to fight the boss, Eris. You will encounter this enemy in the Rift of Thessaly, which is the second stage of the surface. Once defeated, Eris will drop a Golden Apple.

However, in order to reach the surface, you will first have to unlock it through the Permeation of Witching Wards Incantation. Furthermore, you can craft Unravelling a Fateful Bond Incantation to increase your survival chances while you are exploring this realm.

Once you have unlocked the surface, crossed the City of Ephyra, and fought Cyclops Polyphemus, you will enter the Rift of Thessaly. Here, you will also have to defeat the boss Charybdis before you come across Eris.

How to Use Golden Apples in Hades 2

Golden Apples can be used to craft some useful tools and items in Hades 2. One of the most important ones is the Aspect of Eos. By unlocking this, the strength of your attacks will grow stronger for over four seconds.

Additionally, this resource can also be used to unlock the Divinity Arcana Card. When you use it, any Boons you are offered have a +10% chance to be improved to Epic. However, to activate it, you will have to activate the other five cards in any row.

We have covered everything you need to know to obtain and use Golden Apples in Hades 2. If you are looking for more helpful guides, check out how you can get Myrtle, Moss, Origin Seeds, Poppy, Mystery Seeds, and also get the list of all the door symbols and their meanings in the game.