Video Game Guides

Destruction AllStars: How to Customize Character & Change Emotes

Destruction AllStars gives plenty of options to change your character's appearance through its customization options. Let's look at some of the customizable items and how to unlock them.

Destruction AllStars released in PS5 and is available for free on PlayStation Plus. It’s one of the unique games out there mixing different aspects of a Hero Shooter genre into a vehicular combat game. So like any Hero Shooter genre, Destruction AllStars allows you to customize your character, color of the vehicle you are driving, and show off your emotes and other accessories. So let’s look at how to customize character, change character appearance & change emotes in Destruction AllStars.

How to Customize Character & Change Emotes in Destruction AllStars?

You can customize your character from the “Customise” option in the main menu. From there you can select the character you want to change or modify the appearance, from the bottom screen character icons. The cosmetic changes will not be applied to all characters together and must be changed individually for each character. You can use the R1 button to cycle through different options like Skins, Emotes, Vehicle Emotes, and Shouts. You can select the cosmetic option like emotes and rest, which you have unlocked by pressing X on the controller. If it’s locked, then you can spend the coins you earned to unlock and equip them. This is how you can change character appearance.

How to Get More Customization Options in Destruction AllStars?

To unlock more customization items, you will need to earn coins. Coins can be earned in the game by playing well in the matches and completing different challenges. Each item has different values, so more expensive items may require you to play a lot of matches to collect enough coins. Then you can use those coins to unlock items as mentioned above.

That’s everything you need to know about How to Customise Character & Change Emotes in Destruction AllStars. While you’re here check out our other guides on Destruction AllStars like:

Phil James

Phil is a creative and imaginative person who loves to tell stories. He believes video games are a powerful medium that can transport players to new and exciting worlds. He is excited to continue writing and gaming and hopes one day to create a fun video game.

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