Converted Fringe Tower Puzzle Solution In Elden Ring

Check out our guide on how to solve the Converted Fringe tower puzzle in Elden Ring.

Elden Ring features an extensive open world with a plethora of locations to discover. Mostly, all the locations have their mystery waiting to be unraveled by the players. Converted Fringe Tower is one such location in the Liurnia of Lakes. As you enter the tower, you will find the door inside is sealed with magic. But can it be unsealed and opened? Yes! So, here’s our guide on the Converted Fringe Tower puzzle solution in Elden Ring.

Converted Fringe Tower Puzzle Solution in Elden Ring

You need to gather some items and get an emote to remove its break its magic seal. To unlock the magic barrier, you need to equip Karlos Glintstone Crown and perform an Erudition gesture in front of the barrier. But firstly, you need to find and give a Glintsone key to the NPC Thops.

Follow these steps to solve the puzzle:

  • You can get the Academy Glintstone key at the Raya Lucaria Academy from a corpse hanging on the Church of Cuckoo’s ceiling.
  • For obtaining the Academy Glintstone key, you need to get the first key. Check out our guide on how to get the Glintstone key and how to get the Academy Glintstone key for more insight.
  • Make sure to not use the Academy key. That’s because you can use it only once.
  • We need to head over to the NPC Thops located at the Church of Irith. You will find him sitting on a bench over there.
  • You need to exhaust all the conversations with him. Select the About Glintstone key option.
  • Then, select the Give Academy Glintstone key option. Once you give him the key, you will receive the Erudition gesture or emote.
elden ring npc thops
Image Source – 100% Guides on YouTube.
  • Now, for the Karlos Glintstone Crown, you need to loot it from a Crystallized Crab.
  • Head over to the Raya Lucaria Academy near the Debate Parlor, the site of Grace.
  • If you have discovered this site of grace, you can fast travel over there. It will take a couple of strikes to kill the crab.
converted fringe tower puzzle elden ring
Image Source – 100% Guides on YouTube.
  • Lastly, head over to the Converted Fringe Tower. Equip the Karlos Glintstone Crown and perform the Erudition gesture to break the seal.
elden ring converted fringe tower puzzle solution
Image Source – 100% Guides on YouTube.
  • The magic seal will vanish unlocking the room further ahead. As you head upstairs, you will encounter the Ball of faces.
  • Once you defeat it, head upstairs and take an elevator. Then, take a right and climb the stairs upwards to the top.
  • Upon entering a room, you will find the Cannon of Haima and the Gavel of Haima in a treasure chest.

That’s everything covered about the Converted Fringe Tower puzzle solution in Elden Ring. If you liked this guide, check out our other guides on where to find the Troll’s Golden sword, how to get Jellyfish shield, and where to find Turtle Pope in Elden Ring right here on Gamer Tweak.