Fisch’s winter update has been pretty great with lots of new additions, including the Northstar Serpent, which is a massive limited-time fish. It is a sea serpent that is not only extremely tough to catch, but it can also give you bragging rights among your friends just for its size! This thing is heavy and to catch it, you need a very specific bait and weather. Here’s what you need to do.
How to Catch the Northstar Serpent in Fisch
To get the Northstar Serpent, you require the Holly Berry bait and use it to fish around the Winter Village during Foggy weather.
If you haven’t been to the Winter Village location yet, you won’t be able to visit via boat. What you need is a snowglobe which should already be in your inventory. Equip it in your hand and click on it to teleport to the Winter Village in Fisch.
If you don’t have the Holly Berry bait, use the MERRYFISCHMAS code to get one, and if you’ve been unlocking the Advent Calendar rewards, you get 10x Holly Berries by 18th December.
You can also obtain this bait from Quality Bait crates or go to the vendor in Winter Village to have a chance of getting it from the Festive ones.
Boosting your luck by purchasing it from Merlin in Sunstone Island is recommended because this giant creature has a -90% progress speed and a super fast dashing speed during the fishing mini-game. This makes it the hardest fish to catch in the game as of now.
To increase your chances of catching the Northstar Serpent in Fisch, you need foggy weather which can be activated with a Smokescreen totem. You can purchase it from the shore of the Mushgrove Swamp, near a broken bridge. Equip it to your hand, click on it and it will initiate foggy weather across the server. Thankfully, any time of day is suitable for catching this fish. During the same weather, you can venture out into the Ocean to catch the Mythical Colossal Squid as well.
For some players, using the Rod of the Depths with the Quality enchantment (+15% Lure Speed, +15% Luck, +5% Resilience) has also worked out, so you can try it as well. Add if you’ve run out of Holly Berries, the Seaweed bait (which provides 10 Resilience, 20 Lure Speed, and 35 Preferred Luck) may have a good chance of catching the Northstar Serpent.
Cast your line at the back of the Winter Village here and hopefully, by following all of these steps, you will be able to catch the Northstar Serpent in Fisch. With that done, make sure to check out how to set a spawn island for your character so that you appear there every time you launch the game or respawn after your character dies.