Best FF16 Titan Eikonic Abilities (Windup, Upheaval & More)

Here are the best Titan Eikonic Abilities that you must choose in FF16.

Every Eikon in FF16 has different playstyles and abilities. If you prefer melee combat, then Titan should be your go-to- Eikon. Being an Earth elemental, Titan’s Dominant is Hugo Kupka. As with every Eikon, Clive can learn several abilities from Titan as well. But with five different abilities to choose from, you might wonder which will suit you best. Our guide will help you decide which abilities should you learn and use. Without further ado, here are the best Titan Eikonic abilities in Final Fantasy 16.

Best Titan Eikonic Abilities in Final Fantasy 16

best eikonic abilities for titan ff16

Windup – Titan Eikonic Ability in FF16

Windup is one of the best Eikonic abilities of the Titan in FF16. It allows Titan to charge up a powerful punch. It is a high-damaging ability that can also stagger your enemies. Holding the button until the wheel turns red unleashes an attack with higher potency. Its Attack Potency stands at 4 Stars. So, if you want to get the best out of this Ability, just charge this attack longer.

Upheaval – Best Eikonic Ability of the Titan

Upheaval is also one of the best Titan Eikonic abilities. It is quite similar to the Windup ability. Players can slam a fist to the ground which deals damage to all enemies nearby. You can hold the button until it turns red to further increase the AoE of the attack. Though it gives out slightly less damage than the Windup ability, you get 3-star Stagger potency in return. The skill can be cast while on the ground or in mid-air.

Raging Fists – Best Titan Eikonic Ability in FFXVI

Lastly, another great Titan Eikonic Ability that is a must-have in FF16 is the Raging Fists. The ability lets you step forward and unleash a destructive flurry of high-speed punches. And that’s not all, it acts as a good counter-attack. You can use Raging Fists to block any enemy attack and follow it up with even deadlier punches. It has a three-star Attack and Stagger potency making it a handy ability for Clive when things go south.

Also Read: How Many Eikons & Summons Are There in FF16?

That’s everything covered on the best Titan Eikonic Abilities in Final Fantasy 16. We hope this guide helped you make a decision. Since you’re here and want to know the best build for Clive, boss fight guides, quest walkthroughs, and more, check our FF16 section.