Author: Om More

Om has mastered his character development through every Assassin's Creed game. From dying mercilessly in boss battles to comically failing stealth attempts, he has seen it all. You can spot him finding solace in watching Kitchen Nightmares during breaks.

Becoming is one of the earliest main story quests that players will stumble upon in Avatar Frontiers of Pandora. Upon your arrival in the Resistance HQ, you will be tasked with finding Nor atop the cliffs near Tapestry Falls. However, since you are not so well versed with all your Na’vi abilities, navigating through the lush landscapes surrounding the Tapestry Falls can be quite tricky. Not to mention, it’s easy to lose track of all your surrounding areas in the game. Players will have to familiarize themselves with all the movement mechanics along the way of finding Nor in Avatar…

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Avatar Frontiers of Pandora offers players a unique opportunity to interact with interesting and ferocious creatures native to Pandora. While you will connect with some of the creatures and learn more about them, hunting for other wildlife in the ecosystem is also necessary to gather different resources and materials. Although, many may find things intimidating at first when they encounter the different types of wildlife in Pandora’s ecosystem. With that being said hunting in Avatar Frontiers of Pandora is extremely important to gather resources used for crafting and cooking. And getting higher quality materials while on the hunt can be…

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In Avatar Frontiers of Pandora, players will have to do a lot more than just explore the Western Frontier on Pandora. This includes earning the respect of all the three Na’vi clans present around the continent which will in turn help you build your Clan Favor meter in the game. As you progress through the campaign it becomes of utmost importance that you get more favor and earn even more respect amongst the clans. These three Na’vi clans will help players get better weapons, equipment, rare crafting materials, and resources in exchange for the Clan Favor in Avatar Frontiers of…

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