Author: Nikita Hariname

From making games to writing about them, she's been in the world of entertainment since a decade now. She writes features, the latest trending news and guides on games like Diablo 4, Overwatch 2, Roblox, codes and more fun stuff! Connect with her at - [email protected]

The Angelfish is an unusual fish in Fisch that can be found on only one island. While it doesn’t have many conditions to fulfill, it has a couple of requirements. If you don’t want to search all across the map for this fish, here’s a quick guide that will help you catch it to complete an Angler’s quest and get one step closer to completing the Bestiary. Related | How to Catch the Rare Spectral Serpent Where to Find Angelfish in Roblox Fisch? Angelfish can be caught in Roslit Bay – more specifically, the Bay’s coral reef region. These are colorful…

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The Arctic Char is an uncommon fish in Fisch that has some specific requirements to be caught easily. You might find a normal one or one with mutations like Ghastly, Muthical, Sinister, and more. If you’re curious to know where to find and catch this creature, here are all the details you need to know. Related | How to Catch the Rare Spectral Serpent Where to Find and Catch Arctic Char in Fisch? (Location) As hinted by the name Arctic Char can be caught from Snowcap Island. The preferred bait is Insect, which can be obtained from Bait Crates. You can…

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Finding crates and loot is much easier if you have a Magnet Rod in Roblox Fisch, and while it costs 15,000 C$, it’s worth the investment if you wish to catch crates more often. Here’s how to get and where to use this fishing rod for the best possible results. Also Read | Is the Tidebreaker Worth It? How to Get and Use the Magnet Rod in Fisch The Magnet Rod can be purchased from Terrapin Island. Hop onto your boat, go out into the Ocean and turn towards the marker you see in the sky. The rod is kept…

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One of the Angler’s quests may ask you to catch an Arapaima in Fisch, and it’s quite a rare fish that you won’t find in saltwater. It’s a freshwater fish that needs a specific bait on a certain island, and this guide has all the details you need to know. Where to Find and Catch Arapaima in Fisch? Arapaima can be caught from Roslit Bay, an island that can be accessed via boat. You can use your boat (which is a Surfboard for beginners) or hop into a boat of a friend or random player. Get to Roslit Bay and…

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The Red Drum is a common fish that you may have to catch to complete an Angler quest in Roblox Fisch or simply to complete the Bestiary. If you don’t want to spend time scouring through various islands, here’s the location where you can find this fish and catch it easily with the best bait. Also Read | How to Catch the Rare Spectral Serpent Where to Find and Catch Red Drum in Fisch Roblox The Red Drum can be found in Snowcap Island and you can reach this location via a boat. If you haven’t unlocked one already, the first…

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The Tidebreaker is an item in Fisch that lets you go very fast in the water, perfect for quick underwater trips for fishing or exploration. It’s very pricey and only recommended if you have a lot more money than its cost, but if you’d like to farm in-game cash for it, here’s where to find and unlock it. Note that you have to be wary of sea mines while using it underwater. Where to Find the Tidebreaker in Fisch Roblox The Tidebreaker can be purchased from the Desolate Deep region in Fisch. To get there, you will need diving gear.…

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To get to the Brine Pool which is a fairly hidden location within the Desolate Deep, you require a Glider. It will help you glide through the air and cover distances that won’t be reachable by foot. Here’s the exact location where to find the Glider and how much it costs. Also Read | How to Catch the Rare Spectral Serpent Where to Find the Glider in Fisch The Glider can be purchased from Roslit Bay and it’s placed next to the Angler NPC and the Merchant named Ashe. If you’ve reached this location via the Roslit Hamlet, look for a…

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Flippers and Super Flippers in Fisch are important if you want to explore the underwater region for longer. These items are located in the Desolate Deep region and with them equipped, you can swim faster and make the most of your time there. Getting there needs some preparation, so here’s how to reach the spot where Flippers are sold. Also Read | How to Catch the Rare Spectral Serpent How to Get Flippers and Super Flippers in Roblox Fisch Before heading out to purchase Flippers, ensure that you have at least 9000 C$ saved up. Then, follow these steps to find…

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The White Bass is an uncommon fish that can be found in freshwater, but if you’d like to know the specific conditions and location to catch this fish in Roblox Fisch, this guide has everything you need to know. You might want to get it to complete the Bestiary or to complete an Angler quest, so here’s the best bait, weather, season, and time of day to reel it in easily. Also Read | How to Catch the Rare Spectral Serpent How to Get the White Bass in Roblox Fisch (Location) To catch the White Bass, you need to head…

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The Spectral Serpent in Fisch is a nod to the Ghost Leviathan in Subnautica. Both creatures share similar eerie, spectral appearances and large, formidable body types and if you’d like to add the Mythical Serpent to your Bestiary, here are the conditions to fulfill and the process to follow. How to Get Spectral Serpent in Fisch Things to know before going out to fish: Since it’s a Mythic fish, it’s an extremely rare and challenging catch. But when you do hook it, you will see a pink exclamation mark to indicate a Mythic fish, and there’s a -80% progress speed…

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