Manor Lords Growth Victory: How To Win And Bug Explained

Started the game in Growth game mode? Here is how you can win and get growth victory in Manor Lords.

When you start this game you get to choose your victory condition, as such many players want to know how to win Growth Victory in Manor Lords. Based on its name you get a hint that it is focused on the growth of your settlement. However, that still isn’t enough to know what exactly you have to do. Worry not, here is a full requirements list of what needs to be done and the error that you get upon completion.

How to Get Growth Victory Win in Manor Lords

How To Win Growth Victory In Manor Lords
Image Credits: STAN Games & Tutorials on YouTube. Requirements list to upgrade the Burgage Plot to Level 3 and win Growth Victory in Manor Lords.

You have to Upgrade your village to a Large Town in order to get Growth Victory. In order to achieve this you will need:

  • Burgage Plots Level 1 x30
  • Burgage Plots Level 2 x20
  • Burgage Plots Level 3 x15

While this may look easy you actually have to do this in steps, that is go from small village to medium & large village. Then turn it into a small Town and again go from medium to a large town. This requires a lot of resources, you can check our guide on how to upgrade the Burgage Plot to level 2 for its details. But eventually, you will have to reach level 3 which needs:

  • Amenities
    • Well for Water Access.
    • Tavern for Entertainment. Ensure that it has a steady supply of Ale.
    • A small stone Church.
  • Market Supply
    • Fuel Stall Supply: Make sure the marketplace has enough fuel on their stalls.
    • Food Stall Supply: At least 3 different food items.
    • Clothing Stall Supply: It should have an abundant supply of Linen, Yarn, and Leather.

Last but not least, the above resources list was just for how you can get Level 3 Burgage Plots. They are of no use if there are no families to live in your town. To bring more of them in you have to increase your approval and grow the population. Increase it so that the Approval rating is above 75% and every month 2 new families will be added to your town.

Growth Victory Screen Keeps Popping Up Error

At the time of writing this guide, the game has an error in which when you play in Growth mode and get Victory the game bugs out. What it does is, every few minutes it will pop up the victory screen making it unable to play. There is currently, no known fix and it should be resolved when the developers release a patch for it. Till then the only option you are left with is to start a new game with no set victory conditions.

That sums up everything about how you can win Growth Victory in Manor Lords. Since you are going after victories you should check out the list of achievements in this game. Additionally, if have completed the game in the traditional way you can check out its cheat engines if you want to take the easy route for a change.