What Is Weekly Care Package In CS2?

Not sure what the new Weekly Care Package tab is on the store of Counter Strike 2? Here is everything you should know about it.

CS2 has changed how you get weekly rewards with its new Weekly Care Package system. It revolves around you getting an XP rank. So from now on, you get to pick the rewards you earn. They include skins, sprays, graffiti, cases, and more. The best part is getting this package just requires you to play the game. So here is how it works.

What is Weekly Care Package in Counter Strike 2?

What Is Weekly Care Package In CS2

Weekly Care Package is like a drop system that gives you 4 random rewards. You can find it in the Home tab of the Store. In order to unlock them you need to earn an XP rank for the week. Once you rank up you will get a popup showing you 4 rewards out of which you can pick any 2. It is highly recommended you pick the Case whenever one is available. As for the gun skins or sprays you can choose any that you like.

Make sure to redeem your rewards timely as they will be available to claim until your next Care Package refresh.

How to Get Weekly Care Package

As mentioned above, you need to earn an XP Rank in order to get it. In order to earn XP you simply need to play matches. Any matches work as long as they are not Practice. So you can play the following modes:

  • Competitive
  • Casual
  • Wingman
  • Deathmatch

If you are looking to earn XP fast then the best matches to play are Deathmatch and Competitive. Deathmatches get over faster and are only around 8 minutes long. The best part about them is you don’t have to wait long for matchmaking. Competitive is another good way to farm XP but you need to be ready to play for at least around an hour for a match. So it can be a bit time-consuming.

That’s all on what the Weekly Care Package is in CS2 is and how to get them. For more help with this game check our guides on how to change to left hand, play arms race, and what premier mode is.