How To Use Redeploy Drones In Call Of Duty MW3 Zombies

Check out this guide to know how you can use Redeploy Drones in Modern Warfare 3 Zombies.

Redeploy Drones in MW3 Zombies will let players ascend into the air and cover some distance using the parachute at their disposal. While there are a variety of utilities that you will come across in Urzikstan, if you are looking to get around the location quickly then these drones are your best bet. The drones are scattered all across Urzikstan and players will need to interact with them to use them. However, at first, you might find them pretty hard and confusing to use in the game.

Since these Redeploy Drones are excellent means to get around the map amongst the lines of Armored Vehicles, ATVs, portals, etc, you hardly want to miss out on them. Not to mention, these drones can come in clutch in certain situations while dealing with the zombies in Modern Warfare 3. So if you are wondering where to find and use them accordingly then here is a guide you should check out further.

How to Use Redeploy Drones in MW3 Zombies

How To Use Redeploy Drones In MW3 Zombies
Image Source: Steam

To use the Redeploy Drones in MW3 Zombies, players will need to first track them down in Urzikstan. These drones are scattered throughout the map and don’t have a fixed location in the game. However, you will be able to track them on the map in the game. They are marked with drone icons and are easy to spot around on the map.

Since the locations of the Redeploy Drones are not fixed, they can spawn at any corner of Urzikstan. Players will have to keep an eye out for the drone icons and get to the drones accordingly.

After reaching the locations you can simply interact with the drone’s ascender line which will help you ascend in the air. You can do this by simply holding the Square or X button on your PlayStation & Xbox Controller respectively. For players playing on PC, you can hold down the F key to interact with the drone.

Once you have ascended in the air, you will have the option to either glide or use a parachute in the game. While deploying a parachute at first will get you to a certain location with safety, using glide will help you cover up the distance. Redeploy Drones are easily some of the best utilities out there that will help you massively while dealing with all the zombies and traveling through locations quickly in the game.

In Act 2 Tier 2 Ascension mission, players will need to use a Redeploy Drone to free fall or parachute to a different threat zone. Once done you will be rewarded with the Pistol Partner Emblem and 2000 XP in MW3 Zombies.

That’s everything covered in this guide. For more interesting guides we recommend you go through our dedicated Modern Warfare 3 section, right here on Gamer Tweak.