Should You Select Stelle Or Caelus In Honkai Star Rail (Answered)

Confused about picking and equipping the main protagonist in HSR? Check out our guide on should you select Stelle or Caelus in Honkai Star Rail.

As you progress with MiHoyo’s Honkai Star Rail, you will be asked to choose & select between Stelle or Caelus early on. These are the main characters and protagonists in Star Rail. While you start with Kafka and Silver Wolf during the tutorial, neither are the playable characters in Star Rail. Instead, you must decide & select an Active Receptacle out of the two choices you get. But which MC to choose in HSR? What are the differences between these two Receptacles? Check out our guide to find out who to choose between Stelle or Caelus.

Should You Select Stelle or Caelus in Honkai Star Rail

should you select stelle or caelus in honkai star rail

It doesn’t matter if you choose Stelle or Caelus in Honkai Star Rail as neither of the choices affects the storyline, quests, or progression. In the end, it all comes down to if you want to play a male or a female character. But since you cannot switch or change the main character, you must choose them wisely. Unless you reroll or make a new account, you cannot change to another character after selecting one.

Be it Caelus, or Stelle, all of their base stats, path types, combat, skills, and abilities are the same. So, choosing one by choosing another character won’t matter much in this case. The only difference is between their gender roles. Once you select and continue with a character, you can set up a codename for them. This codename works as a nickname for your Main character.

So, here’s the path type, combat roles, & all other base stats of Stelle or Caelus in Honkai Star Rail:

  • Path Type: Destruction
  • Combat Role: Physical

All Base Stats

  • HP: 163 Health
  • Attack: 84 ATK
  • Defense: 62 DEF
  • Speed: 100 SPD
  • Crit Rate: 5.0%
  • Crit Damage: 50%

All Skills

  • Basic ATK: Farwell Hit (Single Target)
  • Talent: Perfect Pickoff (Enhance)
  • Technique: Immortal Third Strike (Restore)
  • Skill: RIP Home Run (Blast)
  • Ultimate: Stardust Ace (Enhance)

That’s everything covered about should you select Stelle or Caelus in HSR. If you liked this guide, check out our guides to find out who is the thief in Old Foreman’s Treasure quest, how to unlock & farm Relics fast, and more Honkai Star Rail Guides right here on Gamer Tweak.