What Are Special Weapons In Warzone & How To Get Them

Are you wondering about the Special Weapons in Warzone, what they are and how to get them in the game? Wonder no more, check them out right here

Special weapons in Warzone are brand new weapons that have been added with Season 4 that are changing the meta of the game, these weapons are providing players with new ways to take down their enemies and look good while doing so. There is a bit of confusion around these as there’s no indication which ones are termed as special in the game, if you wish to know all about them, check this out.

What Are Special Weapons In Warzone

Special weapons are secondary arms in Warzone that have been added with Season 4. There are a total of 4 Special weapons in Warzone that you can get your hands on in the game.

Here are all the Special Weapons In Warzone:

  • M79 Grenade Launcher
  • R1 Shadowhunter Crossbow
  • Ballistic Knife
  • Nail Gun

what are special weapons in warzone

This set of unique weapons are brand new and are giving Warzone players a lot of new content to create and creating brand new avenues of eliminations and such.

All of these guns can be found under the special category in Cold War but in Warzone, they can be found in the special class category. While this can be a bit difficult to find, it certainly isn’t impossible and soon you will have unlocked all of these special weapons in the game.

Also Read: How To Open The Nakatomi Plaza Vault In CoD Warzone

If you wish to know how to unlock the nail gun in Warzone, you can check it out right here. It is a great gun up close and looks amazing with a high fire rate and a lot of fun.

This is all there is to know about these specific special weapons in Warzone and while you’re here make sure to check out How To Play Warzone At 120 Hz FPS On PS5 right here on Gamer Tweak.