Elden Ring – Somber Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone Location Guide

Learn how you can get the Somber Ancient Dragon Smithing Stones in Elden Ring from this guide.

In Elden Ring, Weapons are an essential tool in surviving the unforgiving Lands Between. But at some point, those Weapons are not going to be helpful. In such cases, you will have to upgrade them. The only way you can upgrade is through a Smithing Table or the Blacksmith in the Roundtable Hold. Special Weapons are Weapons that are dropped by Bosses in the game. They can only be upgraded to +10 Weapon level. To upgrade them, you will need a certain Upgrade Material, The Somber Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone. In this guide, I will show you how to get the Somber Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone in Elden Ring.

How to Get a Somber Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone in Elden Ring

somber ancient dragon smithing stone elden ring

In the whole of Elden Ring, there are only 7 locations where you can get the Somber Ancient Dragon Smithing Stones. They cannot be farmed so you will have to keep playing the New Game+ every time to get more of them. The locations of the Somber Ancient Dragon Smithing Stones are:

  • Received as a Reward by completing the Latenna’s Questline by delivering her to Apostate Derelict.
  • From a Chest under the Massive Statue by the Dynasty Mausoleum Midpoint in Mohgwyn Palace.
  • From a Chest that is hidden between the columns near a roof with a corpse that has an item. It is near the Prayer Room Site of Grace.
  • Found in the Gazebo in Crumbling Farum Azula, the Gazebo will be behind the Large Dragon in the Northeast section of the map. It’s past the Dragon Temple Rooftop Site of Grace.
  • On a Corpse in Elphael, Brace of the Haligtree. The Corpse is the Southern end of the ring walkway in the east where the Patrolling Putrid Avatar is found.
  • By Completing the Millicent questline & defeating Malenia, it will be obtained after inserting the gold needle in Malenia’s scarlet flower.
  • Obtainable in Leyndell, Capital of Ash. From the Leyndell, Capital of Ash Site of Grace, head towards the West. Go past the Dragon and enter the building & climb up the Ladder. It will be on a corpse near a Gargoyle which is over the railing.

These were all the locations of the Somber Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone in Elden Ring. Hopefully, this guide has helped you. You can also check out our guides on Elden Ring Impassable Greatbridge Portal Not Working Fix.