How To Complete Shepherd Mission In MW3 Zombies

Check out this guide to know how you can complete MW3 Zombies Shepherd Mission.

The end of the second act in MW3 Zombies leads to another story mission called Shepherd where players are tasked with testing the neutralizer. Players will need to first complete the missions from all the tiers to unlock it in the game. It is similar to the Extraction mission you encounter back in the first act where you will exfil to another map. However, the mission requires players to activate and test the neutralizer instead of extracting any NPCs.

Having said that, it will be one of the most hardcore missions that you will find in Modern Warfare 3 Zombies. However, completing the mission also rewards a Warmaggeddon Vehicle Skin which looks exceptional in the game. Not to mention, you will also gain 5000 XP to level up. There are quite a few things that you will have to keep in mind. And to make things easier, we would suggest that you go through our guides on upgrading weapons & ammo mods in the game. So if you are wondering how to complete the mission, here is everything you need to know.

How to Complete Shepherd Mission in MW3 Zombies

How To Complete Shepherd Mission In MW3 Zombies
Image Source: TroubleChute Basics on YouTube

Before going through the Shepherd mission, we highly recommend that you equip a level 2 armor plate and Pack-a-Punch weapon to make things easier. Along with them, you can also carry around gear and field upgrades that are capable of dealing extensive damage in the game. According to us, having Death Perception can help you navigate through the test site without any hassle, so we suggest you use that to your advantage. Some of the best perks that you can have are Elemental Pop, Jugger-Nog, Quick Revive, etc.

Now with everything at your disposal, you will have to wait for a while for the Exfil marker to show up on the map. It is worth mentioning that the previous marker will still be available on the map, so you will have to hover over the markers and look for Shepherd. Once you come across the Exfil marker with Shepherd written on it, simply head towards the marker. After which a plane will arrive that will deploy you to the test site where you will come across the Neutralizer.

Once you are dropped down the plane and onto the test site, your very first objective would be to destroy the SAM sites. The sites will be displayed with the objective marker around them so you will have to navigate accordingly. The Death Perception perk will help you track down mines that are laid down along the way. There are many mercenary snipers that you will come across in the game. We would recommend moving through the area quickly and eliminating them as you make your way through the sites.

How To Defend Neutralizer In MW3 Zombies
Image Source: TroubleChute Basics on YouTube

Players can look for Turret Circuit to activate any turrets around them. After destroying the SAM sites, you will need to secure the Neutralizer and clear the test site area of all the zombies and mercenaries. The turrets are especially useful in such kinds of situations. Once you have successfully cleared out the area, activate the ACV and escort it while defending it from zombies and mercenaries to the area. After the neutralizer reaches the area, players will have to defend it for some time.

It is worth mentioning that you will have to deal with all the zombies and keep the health of the neutralizer. There is a massive one that will ram you once the neutralizer reaches the mark but we recommend you to keep him away from the neutralizer. Once the neutralizer is charged up you can simply detonate it and the Shepherd mission will be completed.

That’s everything covered in this guide. For more interesting guides, check out our other guides on Modern Warfare 3 section, right here on Gamer Tweak.