How To View Steam Screenshots (Folder Location)

Unable to find your Steam Screenshots? Here's the folder where all of them are saved.

There’s a separate location where all your Steam Screenshots are saved. And if you are looking to share them in your group or so, then you must definitely know the folder where they are saved. Most of you may not know but the captured screenshots can be accessed from within the Steam app itself. And for new users, finding their saved images can get trickier because they are deep inside folders. So here’s the best way of finding your Steam Screenshots without any hassle.

Steam Screenshots Folder Location

Here’s how you can quickly find the Screenshots on your Steam client.

  • Launch Steam and click on the View option on the top left.
  • Now, select the Screenshots option for all your images.

Steam Screenshots Folder Location


  • You can click on the ‘Show on Disk’ button to view those screenshots in a folder.
  • The folder that opens is the location where all your Steam Screenshots are saved.

How to Take Screenshots on Steam

The default key for taking screenshots on Steam is F12. So once you are inside a game, press the F12 key to capture that moment. All the images will be automatically saved to the above location. It is possible to change this shortcut key by heading over to the Steam Settings menu. To do so, simply follow the below steps.

  • Click on the Steam button on the top left corner of the screen.
  • After that, click on the Settings button.
  • Next, navigate and enter the In Game tab.

How to Change Steam Screenshots Settings

  • From there, scroll down and enter the Screenshots tab to change the settings.

You can change the Steam Screenshot Shortcut key, Screenshot Notification and Sound, and much more.

Also Read | Best Low-End PC Games On Steam

That’s the location where you can find all the Steam Screenshots on your device. If you use Steam regularly, then we have plenty of helpful content stacked up here. So make sure to check them out right here at Gamer Tweak.