Genshin Impact : How To Beat Primo Geovishap World Boss

Here's a quick guide on how to defeat Primo Geovishap Elite Boss Battle in Genshin Impact.

There are multiple Elite Boss battles added into Genshin Impact Version 1.3. One of them is Primo Geovishap. This Elite Boss fight will come when you are completing a quest called ‘No Restoring This Past Land of Beauty’ in Liyue.

Ever since the new update released, there are tons of players who have been wondering how to defeat Primo Geovishap in Genshin Impact and if that’s you then look no further as we have got everything covered.

Genshin Impact: How to Beat Primo Geovishap Elite Boss Battle

Defeating Primo Geovishap in Genshin Impact is not quite difficult if you use the perfect strategy. The best thing to use against Primo Geovishap in the game is Shield that has the potential to defend you from its Primordial Shower attack.

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Primo Geovishap will attack you in a numerous way but most of them can be avoided by running or dodging. What Primo Geovishap will use the most to inflict massive damage to you is its Primordial Shower attack that can’t be avoided either by running or dodging. If you don’t use a shield, you will be severely injured.

If the Shield that you use during the battle is the Geo type, the counter damage that Primo Geovishap will get will be significantly increased. Considering the benefits of Geo Shield, I highly recommend using the same to defeat the monster.

Once you successfully defeat Primo Geovishap in Genshin Impact, you will be given multiple rewards. Among the Ascension materials that you will get for defeating this monster is Juvenile Jade, a new exclusive resource that can be used to upgrade the new character Xiao.

That’s everything you need to know about how to beat Primo Geovishap Elite Boss Battle in Genshin Impact. While you are here, you might be interested in reading about how to get Royal Longsword and how to obtain Lithic Spear in Genshin Impact.