One Piece Treasure Cruise Tier List (March 2024)

Check out this One Piece Treasure Cruise Tier List and find out which are the best characters.

This One Piece Treasure Cruise tier list ranks all the characters from best to average based on each character’s type and class. As you already know, it is a popular RPG-style anime game for Android and iOS. This game is based on the story of One Piece, as you join Luffy on his journey to become the Pirate King. The game has a lot of characters to offer for you to build your crew. This game offers much to you, from fan-favorite heroes to the most hated villains. So, without further ado, let’s get into the OPTC tier list rankings.

One Piece Treasure Cruise Tier List

one piece treasure cruise tier list

The S-tier characters have better stats than C, D, and F-tier characters. However, you shouldn’t underestimate the characters in the A-tier list characters either. Also, a lot of B-tier list characters are very good.

S Tier – OPTC Tier List

Monkey D. Luffy, Overcoming the Strongest with his Friends PSY Fighter, Powerhouse
Vivi & Rebecca, Shared Benefactor DEX/STR Cerebral, Striker
Monkey D Luffy, The Great Snake Surpassing the Future STR Fighter, Free Spirit
Luffy & Law, Miracle-Making Generation DEX/QCK Fighter, Slasher
Douglas Bullet, The Monster that Lost Its Purpose STR Fighter, Driven
Gol D. Roger, Captain of the Roger Pirates PSY Free Spirit, Slasher
Red Hair Pirates, Pirates Fighting for the Sake of their Friend PSY/QCK Slasher, Cerebral
Sabo & Koala, The Young Aces of the Revolutionary Army STR/INT Free Spirit, Cerebral
Monkey D. Luffy, Gear 4 – Snakeman STR Fighter, Powerhouse
Trafalgar Law, Alliance to Liberate the Land of Wano PSY Free Spirit, Slasher
Boa Hancock, Vacation on the Evening Beach PSY Free Spirit, Shooter
Kozuki Oden, Heir to the Shogun of Wano STR Slasher, Free Spirit

A Tier

Trafalgar Law, Alliance to Liberate the Land of Wano PSY Free Spirit, Slasher
Boa Hancock, Vacation on the Evening Beach PSY Free Spirit, Shooter
Kozuki Oden, Heir to the Shogun of Wano STR Slasher, Free Spirit
Whitebeard & Marco, The Fierce Battle at the Paramount War PSY/INT Striker, Powerhouse
Kaido, The Strongest Creature DEX Powerhouse, Striker
O-Soba Mask QCK Powerhouse, Free Spirit
Blackbeard, Emperor INT Driven, Powerhouse
Charlotte Katakuri, Haki that Conquers the Future INT Driven, Fighter
Mihawk & Perona, Powerful Residents of Former Muggy Kingdom STR/PSY Cerebral, Driven
Ace, Trickster Flame Wolf INT Shooter, Fighter
Law, Road Midnight Street INT Cerebral, Slasher
Silvers Rayleigh, Right Hand of the Pirate King INT Slasher, Fighter
Sugar, Queen of the Toys QCK Driven, Cerebral
Mihawk, Deep Night Dark Road INT Slasher, Cerebral
Corazon, Sympathy for Law DEX Free Spirit, Cerebral
Sakazuki, Decisive Deadly Battle INT Fighter, Shooter
Kuzan, Decisive Deadly Battle PSY Striker, Shooter

B Tier

Corazon, Sympathy for Law DEX Free Spirit, Cerebral
Sakazuki, Decisive Deadly Battle INT Fighter, Shooter
Kuzan, Decisive Deadly Battle PSY Striker, Shooter
Charlotte Katakuri, Manly Match PSY Fighter, Powerhouse
Nami & Robin, Red Tulips Relaxation DEX/INT Free Spirit, Cerebral
Luffytaro & Zorojuro, Wano Country’s Saviors STR/DEX Free Spirit, Slasher
Garp the Fist, Grandfather of the Future Pirate King PSY Free Spirit, Powerhouse
Whitebeard, End of the Long Journey QCK Powerhouse, Striker
Bartolomeo & Cavendish, The Noble Prince & Cannibal Fighting Together DEX/QCK Driven, Slasher
Sanji & Judge, The Parting Between Father & Son PSY/PSY Powerhouse, Fighter
Carrot, A Mystical White Sulong QCK Fighter, Slasher
Charlotte Cracker, Fear of the Infinite Biscuits QCK Powerhouse, Slasher
Shirahoshi & Mansherry, A Wonderful Encounter INT/PSY Cerebral, Striker
Sabo, True Power of the Mera Mera no Mi PSY Fighter, Free Spirit

C Tier

Charlotte Pudding, Love’s Determination INT Cerebral, Shooter
Eustass Kid, Magnetic Captain Challenging the Dragon DEX Driven, Striker
Tony Tony Chopper Heavy Point PSY Fighter, Free Spirit
Strawhat Luffy, The Potential Power of the Gomu Gomu no Mi QCK Fighter, Free Spirit
Dark King Rayleigh, An Old Soldier Watching Over the Next Generation DEX Cerebral, Free Spirit
“Red Hair” Shanks, Captain of the Red Hair Pirates INT Cerebral, Free Spirit
Lucy, Corrida Colosseum Champion STR Striker, Fighter
Revolutionary Army Chief of Staff Sabo, “Mera Mera no Mi”: The Real Identity of Lucy QCK Fighter, Free Spirit
Katakuri, 3 Sweet Commanders INT Striker, Powerhouse
Nami, Cat Burglar Deceiving the New World DEX Cerebral, Striker
Vinsmoke Judge, Germa 66 Science Combat Force PSY Powerhouse, Driven
Kuzan, Unfaithful Beliefs of Justice QCK Free Spirit, Shooter
Vinsmoke Judge, Germa 66 Science Military Force INT Powerhouse, Driven
Oiran Komurasaki QCK Slasher, Cerebral

D Tier

Magician Basil Hawkins, Follower of the Dragon DEX Cerebral, Slasher
Inuarashi & Nekomamushi, Antagonistic Kings of Day and Night STR/PSY Striker, Cerebral
White Chase Smoker, Marine who Carries Out His Own Justice QCK Striker, Driven
Luffy & Ace, Pirates Rising QCK/STR Free Spirit, Fighter
Trafalgar Law, Former Warlord of the Sea PSY Slasher, Free Spirit
Heavenly Demon Doflamingo, Ruler of the Bird Cage DEX Driven, Cerebral
Roronoa Zoro, A Momentary Glimpse of a Great Swordsman INT Slasher, Driven
Big Mom, Emperor Suffering from Hunger Pangs STR Powerhouse, Driven
Hawk Eyes Mihawk, The Black Blade INT Slasher
Franky, The Modified Man Living his Manly Dream QCK Shooter, Free Spirit
Knight of the Sea Jinbe INT Fighter, Powerhouse
Sabo, Dragon Claw DEX Free Spirit, Fighter
Jack, Eleph-eleph Fruit STR Striker, Fighter

F Tier

Dracule Mihawk, Teaching the Secret Techniques of a Great Swordsman DEX Slasher, Free Spirit
Jinbe QCK Striker, Fighter
Vinsmoke Sanji, Germa Kingdom’s Sacrifice PSY Fighter, Powerhouse
Monkey D Luffy, To Become a True Kung Fu Master DEX Fighter, Free Spirit
Marco the Phoenix, Illusion Flame Beast QCK Fighter, Powerhouse
O-nami, Novice Kunoichi QCK Striker, Cerebral
Fujitora, Surefire Gravity INT Driven, Powerhouse
Nico Robin, Umbrella Blocking Iron Stars INT Cerebral, Fighter
Arlong, Sun Pirates STR Slasher, Powerhouse
Fleet Admiral Sakazuki, Enforcer of Absolute Justice STR Driven, Powerhouse

What are the types and classes in OPTC?

This Tier list is just my suggestion; you could also check out these factors to build your crew instead of following the tier list. There are 5 types of One Piece Treasure Cruise.

  • INT
  • PSY
  • STR
  • DEX
  • QCK

Each type has an advantage over the other. The Type advantage works as follows:

  • STR > DEX, that is, STR characters are more effective and do more damage to DEX characters. And, inversely, DEX is less effective and deals less damage to STR characters. Similarly, DEX > QCK and QCK > STR.
  • PSY and INT characters can both be effective or not effective to each other. So, PSY > INT and INT > PSY.

There are 8 classes in the game.

  • Powerhouse
  • Driven
  • Free Spirit
  • Cerebral
  • Striker
  • Slasher
  • Fighter
  • Shooter

So whenever you are making your crew, consider these types and classes. You should decide your crew such that the crew members complement each other abilities.

This sums up this One Piece Treasure Cruise (OPTC) Tier List. Check out our Dragon Ball Fighter Z tier list for another tier list based on anime games.