How To Get Nebula Fibre In Spiritfarer – Make Nebula Thread

Here's how to get Nebula Fibre and then make Nebula Thread in Spiritfarer.

Nebula Thread in Spiritfarer is one of the items you will need in the game. Since crafting is an essential part of Spiritfarer, you have to do a lot of exploring to find the materials you need. In order to save your time, we have created this guide on how to get Nebula Fibre in Spiritfarer. From this Nebula Fibre, you can create Nebula Thread. Let’s see how to do that.

How to Get Nebula Thread in Spiritfarer

Make sure to check the western area of the map because that’s where you will get Nebula Fibre. Go to the spots that look like those shown below. These are Nebula Pillbugs and they look sort of like woodlouse.


When you reach, you will see that someone is in your boat. Talk to that creature and play the mini-game that you come across.

This mini-game will be all about catching Nebula Pillbug babies and bringing them to the grown up Pillbug. You have to do this under the time limit given. After you successfully do this, you will get Nebula Fibre as a reward from the adult as a drop. Note that the Fibre will be dropped only after you have a certain spirit on board. That spirit is Alice. So, if you are unable to catch a Pillbug, this can be the reason. You can visit any of the locations that are marked on the map for more Nebula Fibre.

Making Nebula Thread from Nebula Fibre

To turn it to Nebula Thread you need an important piece of equipment – the loom. If you have it, all you have to do is select the fibre and make the thread using the loom. It’s simple as that.

That is how you can get Nebula Fibre in Spiritfarer and then create Nebula Thread from it. For more such tips and tricks, read our other guides on all recipes in Spiritfarer, how to get Jellyfish and more.