
How To Mod Lethal Company For More Than 4 Players (MoreCompany)

Check out this guide to know how you can have more than 4 players in a lobby in Lethal company.

Lethal Company allows players to invite three more friends along with them to work as co-workers on their journey of collecting scraps through abandoned moons and facilities for the Company. While a 4 player lobby will experience the game to the fullest and the way it’s intended, you can slot in even more players with the MoreCompany mod. This makes dealing with the strange entities that lurk around the moons hell-bent on attacking you and collecting scrap items much easier in the game.

The mod will let you invite around 32 players in a single lobby to experience the true horror of Lethal Company. Imagine reaching the quota of the Company in just mere minutes. Not to mention, installing the mod too will take a couple of minutes. However, there are some things that you will have to go through before installing it and having more than 4 players lobby in the game. So to help you understand the mod and make things easy for you, here is a guide with everything you need to know.

Lethal Company More Than 4 Players Mod

The MoreCompany mod is a player expansion mod that will help you have a 32-player lobby in Lethal Company. It is available for players to download from the Thunderstore database. However, there are quite a few things that you will have to keep in mind.

While the mod allows players to have more than 30 players in its lobby, there might be some UI-related issues that you might encounter while inviting more than 8 players. With that in mind, the mod is still pretty fun to use and can be installed pretty easily in Lethal Company.

How to Mod Lethal Company for More Players

Image Source: Steam

Players can download the MoreCompany mod from the Thunderstore database along with two additional files namely BepInEx & LC API. Once you have downloaded all the files, here are the steps you can follow to install the mod and have more players in your lobby in Lethal Company:

  • Launch Steam and search for Lethal Company in the library.
  • Once you come across it, right-click on the game and head into the Manage section.
  • Select the Browse Local Files option and you will come across the Lethal Company’s directory.
  • First Copy and Paste the BepInEx file into the folder.
  • Once done, copy the files from the MoreCompany mod folder and paste them into the game’s directory.
  • After which paste the LC API files into the folder.
  • If prompted to replace the files, simply select yes to all of them.

It is worth mentioning that you will be able to use the mod and have more than 4 players, only if everyone in your lobby has the mod installed. Once you have successfully installed the MoreCompany mod, you can join or invite up to 32 players in your lobby in Lethal Company.

That’s everything covered in this guide. If you find this guide helpful, check out our dedicated Lethal Company section, right here on Gamer Tweak. If you are confused on the different team roles in the game, here are some tips and tricks.

Om More

Om has mastered his character development through every Assassin's Creed game. From dying mercilessly in boss battles to comically failing stealth attempts, he has seen it all. You can spot him finding solace in watching Kitchen Nightmares during breaks.

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