How To Use Drone In Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 | Photo Mode

If you want to know how to use a drone in Microsoft Flight Simulator to take beautiful screenshots, this guide will show you how to do it.

Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 is a beautiful game and it only makes sense to preserve the memory of those visuals through screenshots and cinematic recordings. Players can use a Drone Camera through which you can adjust the camera angle, position etc. If you want to know how to control your drone in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020, read this guide.

Microsoft Flight Simulator Drone Camera: Photo Mode

It is very simple to use the drone in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020. All you need to do is press the Insert key on the keyboard (or Ins).

Another option is to get the Drone Camera activated by clicking on the Camera on the top menu on the screen. When you do it, you can switch between the drone and normal mode as you wish. Choose your favorite angle and pick your favorite settings like decreasing drone depth of field, drone rotation speed, auto exposure, auto focus and much more.

Microsoft Flight Simulator Drone Camera Controls List

Here are the controls you can use to make the most of your drone camera. You can bind them to other buttons if you like.

Drone Control Keyboard Controller
Toggle Drone Depth of Field F1 B + Y
Toggle Foreground F5 B + left on d-pad
Drone Top Down View Ctrl + Space X + Y
Attach Drone to Next Target Ctrl + Page Up None
Attach Drone to Previous Target Ctrl + Page Down None
Toggle Drone Auto Exposure Ctrl + F4 Y + LS
Toggle Drone Auto Focus F4 B + LS
Decrease Drone Rotation Speed F3 X + RB
Decrease Drone Translation Speed F1 X + RT
Decrease Drone Depth of Field F2 B + LT
Increase Drone Depth of Field F3 B + RT
Decrease Drone Exposure Ctrl + F2 Y + LB
Increase Drone Exposure Ctrl + F3 Y + RB
Increase Drone Rotation Speed F4 X + LB
Increase Drone Translation Speed F2 X + LT
Lock Drone to Next Target t None
Lock Drone to Previous Target Shift + t None
Translate Drone Backward s Left Stick Down
Reset Drone Roll Space RB + LB
Translate Drone Up r RT
Translate Drone Right d Left Stick Right
Translate Drone Left a Left Stick Left
Translate Drone Forward w Left Stick Up
Translate Drone Down f LT
Reset Drone Target Offset Num 5 X + A
Pitch Drone Down Num 2 Right Stick Down
Roll Drone Right Num 9 RB
Pitch Drone Up Num 8 Right Stick Up
Yaw Drone Left Num 4 Right Stick Left
Yaw Drone Right Num 6 Right Stick Right
Roll Drone Left Num7 LB
Toggle Drone Follow Mode Tab Right Stick
Toggle Drone Lock Mode Ctrl + Tab Left Stick
Increase Drone Zoom Num + Y + RT
Decrease Drone Zoom Num – Y + LT
Toggle Plane Controls c None

Note that you should control it when you have engaged Autopilot or Active Pause in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020. By doing this, you can be stress-free while you take your awesome screenshots. Once you need to go back to controlling you plane, press the Insert key again.

That completes our how to use drone in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 guide. Don’t miss more such helpful tips in our other guides for this game.